Chapter 3: The last hope

Start from the beginning

3:30 PM

Now I was officially the AD Carry for Origen. It still felt so unreal. My life just changed from one minute to another. The official announcement was coming tomorrow. Forgiven was currently packing his bags and will leave the house this day. It was weird how he only stayed for one week. I can't really judge him, because we had almost nothing to do together.
Since I get paid from now on, I have to stop giving sing lessons due to time issues. I was kinda sad about this, because I love singing and teaching it kids made me so happy.
When I called my mum and told her about this, I was scared. Her 17 years old daughter will play video games for a living - not a job what a mother normally is proud of. I knew she sometimes was worried about me living in a house with almost only men as housemates and not doing anything besides playing and sometimes going outside. But surprisingly her reaction was really positive. She was really happy for me and even wanted to come to LCS when I'll playing, even though she didn't understand a thing in League.
"When you want this, then go with it. I only want you to be happy, that's all what matters. You can study whenever you want, but this pro gamer thing is a one life opportunity."
I remember how lighthearted I felt when I heard those words. At least my mum will always support me.

After I sent my mum an e-mail with my contract stuff, the rest of the team besides Forgiven were coming to the Gaming room. I directly began to ask anxious, "You're really okay with me... as your AD Carry?"
From all sides came nods.
"We are, really!" Paul said. "We had no real choices and the only right one was you."
"You also have to show that girls can be sucessful in eSports too! And I know you're the right one." Maurice added. "This also means that you probably have to deal with more hate in social media than a boy. But don't worry we'll defend you against those bronze trashes, no matter what. We know that you're still learning the aspects of an AD Carry. Time is a bitch, but I already know that you can be a better player than those trashy kids who previously played for us." His eyes glowed a bit of anger. He probably was still angry and upset, which I completely understood.
Then Glenn opened his mouth as well. "I'll carry you anyways, imp." He said in a joking way and blinked to me. Laughingly I showed my middle finger.
"You can't even carry yourself, how do you want to carry a grill? She'll run away, dude." Tristan said and playfully rolled with his eyes. "We all know you're the worst player in EU."
After this comment Maurice and Paul whistled impressed and we all laughed our head off till Enrique shortly came in and asked what we found so funny.
It was so glad that everyone seem to understand my fears even though I was kind of their last hope for this split. And I was happy that I could start my eSports career in a team where I consider every team mate as a friend and have a basic synergy. It could've been a perfect rookie split for me, if things currently wouldn't be so difficult.

June 7, 5:56 PM

Important: Roster Update

With the following brief communication, we would like to announce that due to lack of motivation, Konstantinos "FORG1VEN" Tzortziou will no longer be part of the starting line up of Origen throughout the rest of the split. We are wishing him the best for the future.

After long discussions with the team and staff, we are pleasured to announce that our substitute player May "EvilDream" John will taking his place on the starting roster. EvilDream lives and plays in our Gaming house since season 5 and impressed us with her mechanics and passion for the game.

Also, we wish EvilDream good luck in this new chapter. She will certainly give her best and we hope for countless surprises and much joy.


May John @EvilDreamLoL
Happy to announce I'll be playing as AD Carry for Origen. I'm grateful for this chance and will give my absolute best!

Now it was official. There was no way to refuse now.
I already predicted the reactions from the others and was right. First, most of the people were shocked while others complained about me being a downgrade to Origen's previous AD Carrys or a few people who knew my past were criticizing, because I won't play my main role. The most offense comments were the ones who used my gender as a reason why I'll perform badly.
These made me really upset and I was disappointed how many people were rather disliking me because I'm a girl and not because support was my actual main role. Why were so many people thinking that a girl can't be good at video games? Normally I never mind flaming, but comments like that disgust me. These were reasons why players like Remilia doesn't wanna play, but I won't let the toxic part of the community bring me down.

June 9, 4 PM
LCS Studio

Since the day I accepted the offer, I always tried to be confident. But now, when things were getting serious, it was almost impossible.
It all began when we sat in the car and made our way to LCS. Suddenly I had to think about the negative things I read all the time and about the worst scenarios could happen. Like performing badly and making a fool of me. Even though scrims were better compared to last weeks, I knew that playing on stage was much more different. Playing against Team Vitality didn't make things easier, because I really respected kasing and knew that he could make any AD looking good. I was so nervous, it was killing me. Luckily nobody noticed, because they were sleeping or listening to music.
As we arrived, Roccat, G2 and Team Vitality were already there. After we came back from the mask, I saw G2 near the buffet and immediately made my way to our room. Pretending I wasn't hungry and rather want to warm me up earlier, I stayed there while the others went to the buffet. Glenn gave me a last look like he already knew I was lying. Was it really that obvious?
I really tried to warm me up, but my whole body was shaking, I couldn't even focus on anything. Gosh, hopefully this won't be every week a case.
"May, did you even listen to me?!" Glenn brought me back to reality which made me startle.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" My voice trembled quietly.
Probably noticing my nervousness, he offered me one of his peaches. "Do you want it? I remember you told me that these are your favorite fruits."
Being surprised by his nice offer, I just took it. "You even remember what I like to eat? That's so nice of you!"
He just gave me shy smile and mumbled something like "No big deal."
Did he just blush or is my mind playing with me? Aw, that was so cute.
While eating the peach, my stomach just reminded me how hungry I actually was. Damn now it was almost too late to eat something different!
Glenn noticed my unhappy face and immediately knew what I was thinking. "You have 10 minutes left, so you better hurry." He laughed amused and pointed to the buffet.
I nodded and ran without paying attention to others. I don't wanna come too late on my first match.
Suddenly I ran into someone, and fell on the ground with him.
"S-sorry." I stammered embarrassed and stood up.
There was no reaction from the other guy. Then I looked into his face and frowned. I couldn't believe I ran into him.

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