The end

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Chloe and Eve turned around just in time to see Sam come out of the castle. Serin was flying happily, celebrating his freedom at last. Sam grinned and landed in front of the girls, trying to be as dramatic as possible.

"Hey," He said as he got off his dragon. 

"Explain yourself," Eve said folding her arms. Sam grinned.

"Sure," He said, "But its a long story," 


"So let me get this straight, you followed the dragons, and then snuck into the castle and killed the guy?" Emma asked, not believing any of it.

"Yes, but we didn't sneak in. He did," Chloe said pointing to Sam who was happily sitting on the ground next to Serin.


"Isn't it obvious?" He asked. "To get Serin back."

"This is messing with my head," Emma said and walked back to the house. They were all sitting in Chloe's garden next to the stable. The town was not damaged too badly during the last attack and was being repaired.

Chloe and Eve were extremely confused in the beginning but eventually learned to live with it. 

"Except, there is one thing I can't get my head around," Eve said.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"Why did the bad guy or whatever have your dragon? I don't want to seem mean but your dragon doesn't seem to have any special properties."

"Oh that," Sam laughed, "There is something I left out of my story. Lucia helped me save Serin because I knew her from when I was a boy."

"Wait what? How?" Eve asked.

"I'm getting to that," Sam said, "I knew her because I used to live in that castle, Scorpion is my father,"

Pausing to look at the effect it had on the others, Sam grinned. Vivi and Snowflake both looked sick, and the girls had their eyes wide.

"What. The. Hell." Chloe said.

"Yeah, I didn't like him. He was a bad person and I never knew my mum, so I ran away when I was thirteen. But he captured Serin and since then I have been on a mission to get him back."

"So why were you in our town that day we came back?" Eve asked.

"I knew that your town existed, and I pretended I lived in it. But I spent most of my time in the forest. Sometimes I would try and get food from the markets but my life was definitely not the best."

"How did you get the food? Did you have money?"

"No, it might sound bad but sometimes I had to steal it. I was living of of scraps. So when I saw the dragons going to the town I recognised them."

Neither Chloe nor Eve said anything to that.

He has us though, Vivi said to Chloe.

Yes. "You have us though." Chloe said with a smile, "You don't have to live like that ever again."

"And I don't plan to," He said. Eve smiled but didn't say anything. And they sat in silence for a while, listening to the birds chirping around them. It was a very peaceful moment for all of them. When finally they were all safe. 

Chloe felt sad that finally everything was coming to an end, but she was also glad to resume her life as it was before, with her dragon and new friend. 

Eve felt the same as Chloe, except she went with the flow and followed everything that came her way, and she was sure that even though everything was ending now, there would be more adventures in the future.

And Sam just felt happy. It seemed that everything in his life was finally falling into place. He had his dragon back, his father had no way of finding him, and he had friends for the first time in his life. 

It was certainly a very peaceful moment for all of them.


Hey guys, so this is finally the end of the story, which makes me really sad, but it also means that I will be starting a new one very soon. I already know what it is going to be but if you have any ideas on what you want to read next you can suggest them in the comments :) 

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