Come get me

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"Chloe, honey its time for breakfast come downstairs." Mum called. I sighed. I actually woke up an hour ago but I didn't want to get up and just lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, for a full hour, I have a lot of spare time. 

"Coming," I called and rolled off the bed. I got up and went downstairs where mum was cooking pancakes. She smiled at me as I came down and I gave her a fake smile, there was no point in being depressed because then she would just fuss over me and make me feel even worse.

"Good morning love, how are you?" She asked me.

"I'm good," I say and grab myself a plate of pancakes. My sister Emma is already eating when I walk into the dining area and sit down. 

"Morning," I say.

"Mornin' sis, how are ya?" She asks me.

"Good, I was thinking of going out with Eve today," I answer.

"Have fun," She says.

"I'll try," I say and finish my pancakes quickly, I'm not that hungry. I put my plate in the sink and go upstairs to get ready. I got dressed and called Eve to let her know that I'm on my way to the meeting place. I put my phone in my pocket and jump down the stairs and nearly leap out the front door. We normally meet in the park which is next to the dragon stable. Normally houses have their own designated area to keep dragons in (our house has one because Emma has a dragon, his name is Aeron and he is amazing) but some houses don't so they keep their dragons there. 

There is also a special area where the dragons take off and land and me and Eve used to sit in the park and watch the riders and their dragons, dreaming about the day when we will get ours. Now I don't know if I want to do that.

I arrive at the park and look around. I see the birthing center next to the stable, where the dragon eggs are laid and kept. Its probably where they got the eggs for us. Every year a week before the festival they choose newly hatched eggs that they use in the ceremonies. Normally there is enough for all the 13 year olds.

I sit down on the grass and just stare at it. I can see the front doors from where I'm sitting. I close my eyes and lay down on the grass. And I just lie there thinking about what happened, how I'm just a human. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with humans but its just that I always prided myself in being different from them, and being a dragon rider, but now I feel like that's been taken away from me.

After a few minutes of being lost in my thoughts I can almost hear my own dragon calling me. If only that happened during the ceremony and I got my egg my life would be so much different, I thought.

Well maybe you should come and get me and your life will be different. My eyes sprang open. This might sound insane but I definitely heard something in my head. A voice. I got up and looked around and my eyes drifted to the double doors of the center. My first thought was that my dragon was calling me but then I realized how stupid and impossible that actually was.

Don't leave me here, I swear I'm real.

Ok this time I actually heard a voice in my head, speaking to me. What was happening? I walked a few steps closer to the building and thought I heard whispering. It wasn't anything I could make out but it was there. Then I thought that I should maybe take a look inside. There was nothing wrong with that.

I left the park and walked up to the building, opening the front doors I was greeted by a blast of cold air. I was in a lobby, with a reception desk in the center. Slowly walking up to it I tried my best to hear the voice again, but it all seemed to have stopped. The receptionist saw me and smiled.

"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly.

"Um, yes I think. This is going to sound strange but have any eggs been laid in the past week? After the ceremony?" 

"I'm not sure sweets, let me ask." She said and went into another room, to check probably. I sat down on one of the couches and tried to think things through. Maybe my dragon egg just wasn't ready in time for the ceremony. It was the only logical explanation I could think of. But if everything played out right I could get my own egg after all! I felt excitement rising in my chest.

Suddenly the door was opened and the woman came out. But something was different. She looked happy, excited even. 

"Did you find out anything?" I asked, feeling hopeful.

"Well sweets you came at the perfect time, a golden egg has been laid!"

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