Home again

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 After returning to the little camp Chloe's mother was overjoyed to see everyone safe in one piece. However she was also in shock after she heard what happened to Aeron. She spent most of her time fussing over Emma who wanted to be left alone and refused to talk to anyone. Chloe gave up trying to speak to her after a few days and instead returned the book and medicine to Mason, thanking him for letting her borrow it. He was also very upset over the fact that Emma's dragon died and wished that they could have found them sooner.

Aside from them all returning home everybody in the camp was planning on returning to their village and restoring it. They all busied themselves with packing belongings and carrying things over to the town on their dragons. Chloe and Eve also wanted to help restore the buildings but Eve's father said that it was too dangerous for them, and a few weeks later they were told that it was safe to return. 

Landing in her backyard next to the stable, Chloe had to admit, her house looked like much nicer than before. Everything has been patched up and there were no more broken pieces lying around. Leading Vivi to the stable she opened the door and looked inside. It was empty. Too empty. Vivi walked in and lay down where Aeron used to sleep. Chloe felt a stab of pain, her dragon missed him too. 

Going to the main house she caught a glimpse of Emma in one of the windows. Chloe saw her go into her old bedroom and close the door. It dawned on her that she probably wouldn't see much of her sister, possibly ever. Chloe's mother was in the living room setting everything up. Most of their items got destroyed in the attack but some furniture and old books survived.

"Hey," Linda said.

"Hi," Chloe replied, "Do you need help with anything?"

"No, there isn't much to set up, but don't worry we'll have this place back to normal in no time."

"Alright then," Chloe said and turned to go upstairs. She wanted to talk to Emma. Walking up the stairs Chloe knocked on her sister's door which was on the first landing. At first she didn't hear anything but then a voice said, "Come in,"

Pushing the door open Chloe saw Emma lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. A picture of her and Aeron was standing on her bedside table.

"Hey," Chloe said,

"Hi," Emma answered without looking at her. 

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Everything." Chloe said sitting on the edge of the bed. Emma sat up and turned to look at her sister.

"Alright then," She said,

"We haven't spoken in ages, and I know that you have been avoiding everyone including mum, but know that everyone means it when they say that his death was a tragedy. Everybody feels very upset about it. Vivi is upset, he was one of her friends." Chloe began, avoiding using Aeron's name.

"Hmm, ok." Emma said and looked down on the bed. 

"I wanted to say, I'm sorry," Chloe said.

"For what?" Her sister asked.

"Its my fault he was injured in the first place, and its also my fault that the town was attacked. If I hadn't been so careless and wanted to rescue Vivi and actually thought things through with a proper plan, everything would be different."

"I don't blame you," Emma said quietly, "I blame myself,"


"Its my fault he got hit by that arrow, if I hadn't let him jump in front of me and actually took into consideration what could have happened without running for my life, he might still be alive." She said tears forming in her eyes, "Its my fault and I blame myself."

Chloe didn't say anything for a while, she knew what Emma was feeling.

"Its not your fault," She said eventually, "I know it may seem like it because you didn't do anything to prevent it from happening, but it was all just bad luck. That arrow could have hit him and it could have not. Either way even if you did try to stop him, you might have been hit instead."

Emma looked at her, "Thank you," She said.

"For what?"

"For being here,"

Chloe smiled and was about to say something else when she heard a scream from out side and a huge crash as something in their back yard exploded. The girls were knocked off the bed as she house shook and Chloe caught a glimpse of something yellow outside.

"Oh no," She said and sprinted downstairs with Emma close behind her. Linda was in the kitchen watching her daughters.

"Chloe no," She yelled but she didn't listen and ran into the garden. 

"Chloe come back!" Emma yelled as more explosions were heard in the distance. Whether Chloe didn't hear Emma or was ignoring her she did not turn back and instead bolted to the stable, which was now on fire.


I'm alright, but I see fire. Help.

"I'm coming!" she screamed and ran up to the entrance to the stable which was burning. Thinking fast she grabbed the garden hose her mother used to water the flowers and turning the tap, aimed it at the flames. 

Smoke rose into the air as the fire was put out and once the door was safe to go through Chloe dropped the hose. Vivi came out of the smoke a few second later and ran across the garden away from the flames.

My God.

I did not know you could run.

Is that honestly what's on your mind right now?

What is that? Chloe looked up as she saw a shadow fall over her. It was a dragon. Just like the one they saw ages ago just before the town was attacked.

Its them again!

Oh no.

Come here. Chloe ran to Vivi and began climbing onto her back.

What are you doing?

We have to stop them. Vivi wanted to object but rose into the air anyway and they followed the dragon. There were much more of them and they were aiming at the other buildings, but as soon as the dragons saw that Chloe and Vivi were coming for them they all turned and began to leave. 

We have to follow them.

You're crazy.

They might lead us to whoever is doing it.

Its the guy who kidnapped me.

Ignoring Vivi's warnings and objections Chloe directed her to follow the dragons which were quickly flying away. It seemed that the attack was finished.

"Hey Chloe!" 

Chloe turned and saw Eve and Sam sitting on Snowflake.

"Where are you going?" They asked her.

"To follow them." Chloe replied.

"Wait for us."

"This is crazy," Chloe muttered to herself, turning to face the front again, "What has my life come to."

Exactly, you should stop.

No, we follow them.

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