Scorpion's death

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After the voices died down Chloe felt it was safe enough to open the door. Carefully turning the handle she pushed the door and tried to open it. But even though the door moved a bit, it would not open.

"Its blocked," Eve said.

"Great, how are we supposed to get through now?"

"I don't think we should, let's get back to the dragons and wait for Sam."

"Alright, I just hope he shows up,"

Chloe closed the door again and she and Eve turned around and begin walking back down the passage.


Sam stood in the shadows with his back against the wall. There was no one in sight but he didn't want to take risks. If he was caught he was as good as dead. There would be no mercy. Deciding that the coast was clear he began to carefully make his way along the wall. Lucia pointed him in the direction of Serin, in Scorpion's office behind a black curtain. But the chances of him getting caught were huge, then again he would rather die than to live knowing that his dragon was still alive. 

Sam looked around the corner as the hallway turned left and was glad to see that it was empty. A double door stood on the right side of the hallway, the entrance to Scorpion's office. 

Serin, are you there?

There was no response but Sam felt as if something was trying to reach out to him. It has been so long since he has seen or spoken to his dragon. Their connection was weak. Slowly making his way to the other end of the hall, Sam reached the door and pressed his ear against it. He did not hear anything, but someone could still be in there. Quickly checking behind him, Sam leaned down and tried to look through the keyhole. He could see to the other side of the room and the open doors to the balcony which lead outside. 

Deciding to take the risk he turned the door handle and began to very slowly, push the door open. Carefully looking into the room he realised that it was indeed empty.


No response. Fully opening the door Sam snuck into the room and closed the door behind him. Quickly looking around he saw a curtain covering the whole right wall. This was probably what Lucia was talking about. Quickly going to the other side of the room he pulled back the curtain and saw him

"Serin," He said and ran to his dragon. Serin looked terrible. He was extremely skinny and small, definitely not how Sam saw him last time. Serin came up to meet his rider. Sam hugged him and felt tears prickling his eyes.

Can you hear me?

Yes, a quiet voice said.

I missed you.

I missed you too.

Can you fly? We have to get out of here.

I don't know, I haven't flown in ages.

"I knew you'd come," A cold voice said. Sam turned around and saw Scorpion. He looked just like Sam remembered him.

"It took a while but I knew you would never just leave your dragon,"

Sam glared at him but did not say anything. Serin growled behind him and stood next to his rider.

"How sweet," Scorpion said with a heartless laugh, "Its quite a shame you'll have to die, I'm sure your two friends will miss you," And he lunged at Sam. But before he could reach him Serin jumped in front of him and began to claw at Scorpion who pulled a knife out of his pocket and began to attack him. Sam stood behind them not knowing what to do. He could attack but there was always a chance of hurting his dragon.

Just then Serin bit Scorpion's arm forcing him to drop the knife which Sam then picked up. Scorpion jumped away from the dragon clutching his arm in pain. He knew that he was fighting a losing battle. Scorpion ran back into his office with Serin in pursuit. He turned to face the dragon with an expression of pure hatred.

"How could you," He said to Sam who was behind his dragon, "After everything I have done for you,"

Sam did not say anything but Serin lunged at Scorpion who ran out to the balcony hoping to escape quickly. And just as he was climbing over the railing Serin ran and pushed him over the edge. The balcony was on one of the highest floors, with nothing underneath. Sam closed his eyes as he heard Scorpion's screams fade away.

"Goodbye father," He said.

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