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He was standing by the window, looking out onto the forest. The sun was just setting and it bathed the sky in a bright, warm glow. He could see the trees swaying in the wind. There was movement behind him. Turning around he came to face his dragon, Lucia. Not known for her kindness or generosity. Only her master could control him, and he was not happy now. 

What is it now master?

The dragon, it hatched.

So what are you going to do about it? You lost.

Not yet I haven't. It's still small and weak, I think that I  have a chance.

What about the rider?

What about him?

What if you run into him? What then?

Nothing, I still have to find out more so in the meantime relax. As soon as we are ready, we shall go.

Lucia said nothing to this and turned to go to her room. The room belonging to her master was massive, and was designed specifically for the purpose of fitting a dragon. It could be considered luxury, except for the fact that Lucia's master hated her.

 It was a well known fact that her master (who's name was long forgotten) has always wanted to have a special dragon. Unique in many ways. And it was maddening when the rarest and most beautiful dragon was claimed by a thirteen year old who had no idea of the power he now possessed.

Lucia knew that her master would not rest until that dragon came to his possession. but what would happen to her was yet to be discovered. However she had a feeling that she would not be around for much longer. 

She knew that she had to enjoy her time here while she still could because if her master Scorpion captured that dragon, Lucia would be long forgotten. Lying down on the soft carpet she did her best to fall asleep. But she could still see Scorpion standing by the window. Knowing that he was planning of breaking up a pair destined to be together made her heart shatter. But like always, she blocked out this emotion. Any positive feelings she might have once had were long gone, by Scorpion's own doing.

Somewhere in a far away town, Vivi woke up.

The Golden Dragon RiderWhere stories live. Discover now