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I'm in shock. I have nothing to say. For a second I though she was joking but the I realised that she was serious.

"Really?" I ask. She nods, her eyes gleaming. "Oh my god!" I say. This is something special. I you have no idea what I'm talking about let me explain. The golden dragon egg basically means that a golden dragon is going to hatch from the egg. And the Golden dragon is a forgotten legend about a rider and his dragon and how this Valley came to be. It is said that they're the first actual dragon/rider pair and from them we came to be. Anyway through the couple hundred years we have been here never has there been a golden dragon egg, there were eggs which some say had a yellow tint to them but nothing solid. So to have something like this happen, (and let's just mention how I'm pretty much the first person that know about it) is absolutely astonishing.

"We will have to call a gathering," She says, "This is a special occasion, we have to find the rider for this dragon!"

Later that evening...

I look around, it does seem in every person in the valley is here. My family is pretty much right next to me along with Eve's family and everyone is asking me to tell them how I found out.

"You can not be serious when you say that you found out purely just because you were at the right place at the right time!" Eve said.

"I am so mad at our sis honesty!" Emma came over, looking pretty mad.

"What did I do?" I ask, feeling worried.

"You found out that the golden egg has been laid and I'm not the very first person you told! Honestly I thought I made you promise to tell me every major thing that you found out!"

I breathe a sigh of relief, Emma usually accuses me of random thins like that, I have come to accept it, (honestly her accusation of me trying o steal her socks happens on a daily basis).

"Oh my God look its about to start!" Eve whispers. I look up at the stage, we are in the very same area as where we had the festival around  week ago. There is someone on the stage, I recognise that person as the mayor. Everyone immediately stops talking and gives him their full attention as if their lives depend on it, (which they probably do because somebody in this crowd is going to get the egg and become the celebrity of this town).

I then see something behind the mayor but I don't know what it s because it's covered with a thick, black cloth. Possibly on some type of pedestal. As soon as I notice it I start to hear whispering in my head again.

"Welcome everyone!" He said into the microphone. "You probably all know why I have called you here today at such short notice, and it is to give you some outstanding news! You all know the legend of the Golden dragon rider?" Everyone nodded. "Well today, as it turns out, may prove that the legend is real." He stepped back pulling the cloth down, and revealing the egg. Everybody gasped, including me. It was gorgeous. A beautiful golden egg, shining under the light of the sun. Everybody began whispering among themselves and pointing at the egg.

"Now now," The mayor said, "I know it is very special, but we must all stay calm. We do not know if this egg has a rider, or if he's even here. So we must prepare ourselves for the possibility that, while beautiful, it will not change our lives in any way." I heard a few groans of disappointment among the crowd and turned back to the mayor and his speech.


I nearly jumped.

Chloe it's me

I took a step away from the stage.

Where are you going? Come get me

"What?" I asked out loud, Eve looked at me like I was crazy.

I said, come get me. They're putting me on a stage for the whole world to see, I don't want to be here

"What is happening?" I whispered to myself.

"Chloe at you alright?" Eve asked looking worried. I nodded a bit and forced myself to look at the mayor again, but I couldn't focus on anything he was saying. It felt as if I was underwater.

Don't ignore me, I'm your dragon

"Dragon?" I asked again.

"Chloe what is happening, you look pale." Eve said something else but I couldn't hear her. I felt myself falling and then everything went black.


I opened my eyes. I was lying face down on the grass. The sun was shining above me and I could hear birds chirping. I sat up and looked around a bit. I was in the forest with tree all around me. Getting up I looked around and jumped back. There was a dragon lying down a few feet away from me. Everything would have been fine if the dragon wasn't golden. From head to toe, it was shining in the sunshine. I looked at it in awe.

"Hey Chloe." She said.

"Um," I said, not having any idea of what was happening.

"Wake up," She said again.

"What?" I asked, feeling a little light headed.

"Wake up Chloe, your friend needs you. And I need you. Come find me when you wake up OK?" She said again.

The Golden Dragon RiderWhere stories live. Discover now