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"Mom!" I called as I walked through the front door. "Mom! Moooom,"

"Jesus Chloe, calm down what is it?" She asked as she came out of the kitchen.

"I have something I need to tell you!"

"Does it have something to do with you disappearing this morning?" Emma asked.

"Yes it does actually." I said happily. I was really excited to tell them about the dragon. I had the egg in my bag.

"You went for a walk didn't you?" Mom asked.

"I told you I did, but I actually went somewhere else." I told her.

"Where did you go?"

"Well it also has something to do with me passing out the other day but I should start from the  very beginning. So before the announcement I heard a voice in my head, telling me to come and get it and stuff like that. I was really confused but when I heard the voice again during the announcement telling me to come and get it off the stage I freaked out and fainted. While I was out I dreamt of a dragon telling me to come and find the egg which I did first thing this morning." I took the egg out of my bag, "And now, I have a dragon!"

Mom and Emma stared at me for a few seconds, then they rushed forward and hugged me. 

"Oh my god sis! Is this really your egg?" Emma asked.


"How on earth did you manage to get it? It should have been under strict surveillance." Mom said.

"I know, but I went to see the Pope and I told him everything and he actually believed me! He took me to the egg and I heard the voice a few times. He let me have the egg."

"This is unbelievable! How amazing, I'm so happy for you!" Mom said. "I think this is cause for celebration. Have you told Eve yet?"

"No," I said shaking my head, "I haven't and I think she would really want to know."

"Well of course she would, she's your best friend." Emma said.

"I'm going to call her right now." I said and went upstairs to my room, where I very carefully put the egg on my bed and picked up my phone. I dialed her number and waited. It rang a few times but she didn't pick up. Drat, I guess I'll have to call her later. Now I need to go downstairs and have my special celebration dinner or whatever mom planned.

Casting one final look at the egg I went downstairs to help mom cook.

"Hey guys do you need any help?" I asked going into the kitchen.

"Nah, we're good. but you could help out by washing the dishes." Emma said with a sly smile pointing to a rather large pile of dishes. I glared at her and picked up a sponge. 

"Honey you don't need to wash that. Today's your special day." Mom said.

"No really mom, I want to help you. Just because I got the golden dragon egg," I grinned at Emma who took the time and dedication to glare at me again, " Doesn't mean I need any special treatment."

"Well if you want to honey. You can stop at any time." Mom said and continued working on the dinner while I quietly washed the dishes

 Later that evening...

"Well dinner's now ready! Come on guys." Mom called us to the table. Me and Emma rushed down to the dining table. Its an ongoing game we have. Whoever gets down to the table first wins and so far she has won nearly every time, but only because she is bigger and faster than me. Today however, I felt like winning, because it was the best day on my life and I deserved that win. But Emma didn't think so. 

She raced down knocking me out of the way. This gave me a small disadvantage but I didn't care, I was already downstairs and at the table. Unfortunately Emma was there too.

"I won," She said triumphantly crossing her arms. 

"Draw," I said.

"No, I won fair and square."

"Stop it girls." Mom said putting our plates in front of us. Home made lasagna, my favorite. And Emma's favorite too. We knew that when we had this for dinner it was a special occasion.

"Well I feel like we need to give a speech but honestly its going to be a waste of time so just dig right in." Mom said smiling. We began eating and talking loudly, about something or other. For the first time this week I was happy, it was a new kind of happy. Not when something funny happens, or when you get good news about something. This was different. When you just feel amazing and you don't want to be anywhere else but in this exact moment at this exact time. Its how I was feeling, all the way until we heard the crash. Emma jumped up.

"Oh my god did you hear that?" She nearly yelled. Obviously the sudden noise scared her.

"Yes we bloody heard it." I said standing up as well, "Where did it come from?"

"Upstairs I think," Mom said, "It sounds like your whole dresser fell over."

"Ughh," I groaned, it would not be the first time this happened. The legs of the dresser were worn out and it falling randomly was a monthly occurrence. I went upstairs to my room to see how bad the damage was. But when I got there the dresser was standing upright, not even a sign that anything out of the ordinary happened. Looking over at my bed I saw something that made me gasp. The egg was gone, well not really gone because it was the the foot of the bed. Well, technically the egg wasn't at the foot of the bed, the cracked shell was.

I heard shuffling behind me, and spun around. I saw a dragon. A baby dragon with beautiful gold scales. It looked at me with big gold eyes. I knelt down in front of it and put my hand out. It looked at me for a second and walked up to me. 

"Wow," I breathed. 

"Chloe honey are you coming downstairs?" Mom called. The dragon jumped back, clearly startled by the noise. 

"Can you and Emma come up here please, its kind of urgent." I called down to them. I tried to appear calm and not speak too loudly because I didn't want to upset my new dragon, who I might add looked like a girl dragon. It was a girl in my dream as well. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs and a second later mom and Emma were appeared in the doorway. 

"Oh my god Chloe!" Emma said her eyes going wide. "Honestly what is it with you? You bring a golden dragon egg home then barely two hours later it hatches!"

I nodded.

"This is strange," Mom said, "Dragons aren't supposed to hatch so soon. A rider normally has to wait months for their dragon, and they have to be present with the egg for it to happen."

I looked at my dragon who was prancing around without a care in the world.

"Well this just proves that this is a special dragon. I want to name her Viviana."

The Golden Dragon RiderWhere stories live. Discover now