Finally meeting him at the bottom of the stairs

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Finally meeting him at the bottom of the stairs."you look so beautiful I'm lost for words." Junior said feeling so lucky that Tessa was all his and honestly he's glad Mark fucked up because if he didn't he wouldn't have been able to be with her.

"Thank you babe." Kissing her Junior couldn't help but deepen the kiss."baby if we don't stop now you know what will happen." Tessa chuckled pushing Junior away a little."your right come on your in for a surprise but you have to wear a blindfold because you can't see where I'm taking you."Junior said.

"Ugh I guess just don't tie it to tight and mess up my make up." Tessa said."hush I got you drama queen." Junior said putting on the blind fold. "Babe if you make me bump into anything I will fight you." Tessa said hold on to Junior Scared to move." You always want to fight me knowing you won't win." Junior said laughing.

Finally they arrived at the destination Junior helped Tessa out the car walking forward holding on to Junior."you should take your heels off." Junior said."ugh why do I feel like you about to have me looking crazy." Tessa said chuckling taking her shoes off."you think so low of me but here you go." Junior said taking the blindfold off.

"Omg it's so beautiful Baby thank you so much." Tessa said jumping on Junior kissing him. She was so shocked at the view.

"Anything for you now let's eat

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"Anything for you now let's eat." Junior said walking over to the table they ordered there food and talked all night."I've never had this before I feel like a princess." Tessa said she couldn't stop smiling

"Well you shouldn't feel like a princess your a Queen my Queen which means you deserve things like this." Junior said."your to good to me but thank you for everything." Tessa said. Turing on I like you [ song at the top ]

"Dance with me" Junior said putting his hand out."I'm not the best dancer." Tessa said taking his hand."that's okay I can teach you." Junior said kissing her on the check singing in her ear slow dancing the night away

Dahlia went back to the hotel she was so bored because Tessa was out with Junior and she knew damn well she wasn't comeback tonight all the sudden her phone started ringing from a New York number it's been calling her since she left she knew it had to be her mother so annoyed she picked up."WHO IS THIS.?" Dahlia yelled into the phone.

"Omg Dahlia your okay where are you." Dahlia's mom, Jessica yelled into the phone."I'm somewhere and safe and happy that's all you need to know it's sad it took me to leave for you to notice my existence." Dahlia said into the phone
"I always saw you." Jessica said."save the shit you were barley home you forced me to be in a abusive relationship and then you just let dad talk to me any kind of way mom goodbye I'm a grown ass women and I refuse to be chained to you, Dad, or Manhattan in general." Dahlia yelled fed up with all the bullshit

All the sudden she heard her dad voice in the phone. "Girl bring your ass back home there's things you have to handle here I sent Jordan to come get you and he comes back beat up." Shawn said. "Y'all are freaking crazy he almost beat my ass so him getting beat up is mild to what he deserves and the fact that you guys don believe me and want to protect your image so much you can't see the fact that your shitty parents.

"Watch who you talking to girl one way or another I will find you and you will be back in Manhattan." Shawn said."if that's what you think stop calling my phone worry about stop being drunk and fucking women behind moms back." Dahlia said hanging up the phone. She was talking big and bad but her dad was a powerful man he had a perfect image on the outside but behind closed door he still had connections to the MOB.

He was crazy and wouldn't stop at anything to get his way. All Dahlia knew was she had to make sure he didn't find out where she was and the last thing was her drama messing up her life in LA but how long could she keep this lie up.?

•Well shit Dahlia's dad has connections to the mob.?
•Her parents are crazy
But let's get to the
appreciation!!!! Today it is MARKIE POOH👏🏽💖
[ warning you might just have a heat attack]

? •Her parents are crazy But let's get to the appreciation!!!! Today it is MARKIE POOH👏🏽💖[ warning you might just have a heat attack]

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