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When my eyes opened again it was 3 am. What had caused me to wake up from my 'lovely' slumber was the familiar sound of keliez's ringtone. I groan and turn on my light to the pretty much baren room. I bring my phone to my ear after answering. "What the hell are you calling me at 3 am for keliez?" "Because I feel like it. Seriously though, the gang misses you and we want to come kidnap you for a couple hours, rage is with us, oh and I heard about you and ashton. I see someone's finally got a boyfriend" I roll my eyes although she can't see me, but she knew me well enough to know I was also blushing. I've had a crush on ashton since we met. I never had the guts to tell him. Yeah I know, I have the guts to knee a guy in the balls who is twice my size but not the guts to tell my crush I like him. I just really didn't want to ruin our friend ship. Anyways I reply quietly, careful not to wake up kellin or katelyn. "Well you know that really creppy abandoned blue creaky run down blue house we pass everyday on the school bus?" "Yeah? Is that where you live now?" "Nope, I'm not telling where I live yet, I don't think Kells would appreciate giving out his address to strangers who are idiotic losers" I could practically feel her glare through the phone. I let out a quiet laugh. "Alright fine. I live in that dream house we pass by on the bus that we all said we'd one day live in just to trash it" "seriously?!" "No. I'm still not telling you, I just want to sleep in this extremely comfortable bed so I'll,be rested for pretty sure I'll be going shopping for clothes, room stuff, you know the cliche adopted by Kellin Quinn type of book,but in real life." Keliez laughed but then realized what I had just said. She squealed in my ear and I giggled. I ended up talking to her until about 4 am, meaning I only had a few hours of sleep before I did what ever we were doing later. I plug my phone back in and turn my light out and lay back down on the comfortable mattress while pulling the blankets I had borrowed from kellin up halfway on my shoulders.

"KELIEZ ZERO ROSE" I sigh and tell rage I had to end our Skype call, everyone else left either for dinner or other lame excuses. "Aww, okay kelz" rage always called my kelz instead of Keliez when we were by our selves. I smile and turn off Skype and then walk upstairs to the living room. Hope was glaring at me and my dad was on the couch with tears streaming down his face. "What?" I say, rather harshly. I was annoyed with hope and I couldn't see what my dad saw in her and why they didn't just get a divorce already. "You whore, why didn't you tell us!" Hope screamed at me and I rolled my eyes. "Not tell you what, bitch?" Hope gasped in disgust and stomped out of the room. I picked up the paper she had dropped. "Keliez, we need to talk" I glared at him. "I don't want to talk, dad." I say and storm off back to my room. It was 3 am and rage would have already gone to bed and I needed to distract myself. I decided to call karson, she always seemed so easy to talk to.

I woke up at 8:00am by kellin shaking me lightly. I responded by groaning and burrowed further into my blanket burito I had made somewhere in my sleep. "I'll pour water on you" Kellin says, trying to threaten me. I gave up and got out of my blankets. I kicked kellin out of my room to get dressed. I pulled a tøp shirt over my head and slipped into a pair of black skinny jeans. I pulled a snapback onto my head and grabbed my phone. I put on a choker with the deathly hallows symbol charm and a crecent moon necklace. I walked out of my room and into the living room. Katelynne and Kellin were sat on the couch kissing each other. I wanted to be a 'Lil shit. "get a room you two" I say and laugh when their faces are red. After that we went into the kitchen and Katelynne made us pancakes and eggs. "So, Karson, do you want to go shopping for stuff for your room or?" Kellin asks, trailing the end of his sentence. "Yeah, sure. It kind of feels empty." I reply while finishing my pancakes. When I put my dishes in the kitchen sink (|-/ clique assemble) I got my shoes on and grabbed my phone from where I had left it on the kitchen counter. We all three then leave the house and get into kellin's car. "Kells, can we turn on the radio?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. Kellin instead handed me the aux chord and I gave him a confused look. "I want to know your music taste" he laughed and I shrugged plugging it into my phone and pulling up my music. I finally settled on panic! at the disco's cover of bohemian rhapsody. I sang along and then my music stopped but It turned out to just be blood. Kellin looked at me with a questioning look. "What happened to the music?" "It's just blood" I say smiling when gerard way's voice sang. Lost it all started playing and I tried and failed to sing as deep as Andy's voice. Which caused katelynne to laugh. "Have you failed?" Kellin asked halfway through the song. I stuck my tongue out at him. We had pulled up to the mall when Ode To Sleep came on and I begged kellin to not stop, it didn't work so I just paused it and unplugged my phone from the aux chord. We walk into the mall and so far no one seemed to notice kellin, which I was afraid of because I didn't want to be swarmed by fangirls. Then I noticed a familiar bright red haired boy with blue eyes. "KILLJOY ASHTON!" I yell and he looks over to me with a smile. "Psycho Karson" he confirmed and I laugh. I leave kellin's side and ran into ashton's open arms. "Hey babe" I raised an eyebrow at him. "We're already at that stage? And keep your voice down, I don't want Kells to find out" "but sh- " "Kellin you dumbass, keliez doesn't let anyone but rage call her that" "you talking about me?" Rage yells and I pull apart from ashton and whip around to see the crazy blue haired nerd. "RAGE, YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" I proclaim and she laughs. I run over and hug her. Then devin clears his throat and I laugh and punch his arm. I never really hug him because ashton gets jelous easily. Keliez drops her arm lazily around my shoulder and I playfully glare at her. "Oh, you know you love me" "yeah, unfortunately, i do" "Karson, who are these people?" Oh, I forgot about Kellin. Oops "Kells, these losers I call friends are devin, keliez, she's kinda our leader, rage, ashton, dani, winter, and last but not least lanie the lezbo" I say and lanie punches my arm. "Like the whole mall needed to know, and besides, I'm bisexual, not lesbian" I shrugged "oh and losers, that's Kellin Quinn" I waited a few minutes before they all started freaking out. Well not really, they kept their cool and rage somehow 'casualy' asked kellin for his number. He didn't give her his number though, he just asked why and when she told him so she could call me I told her she already had my number. After that I had to leave but ashton and keliez insisted that they would take me to hot topic while katelynne and kellin went with everyone else to get stuff for my room. We all agreed to this because kellin might get noticed by a customer and then the fangirls come. Yes I did just say that. Anyways, I trusted the others to get stuff I liked. Plus everyone knew us in hot topic and sometimes casey, rage's older sister, would get us a discount. We arrive and casey was singing along to antivist, which they were playing inside. "Hey keliez!" Oh and karson" I say hi back and start to mess with the bin of buttons on the counter. Casey had red hair and three or four tattoos and a septum piercing. She also had killer green eyes, and like rage, really loved sws. And music but sws was their favorite. Casey had a thigh tattoo of roses and in the center said the strays. Her mom told her to seriously think over it because in the future she might not like the band anymore and regret it but I thought it was cool. I knew about it because I was with her when she first got it. She also had a wrist tattoo of a semicolon and I knew what that was for, I had seen a bunch of the posts on instagram and shit. Her third tattoo was somewhere on her back, around the middle. It was a dreamcatcher with a spider, like the spider had woven the thread into it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when casey snapped her fingers in my face saying "karson, wake up from whatever trance you're in and move aside, people would like to pay for their stuff and go back home and be antisocial" I mumbled a sorry and moved out of the way for a girl with 'galaxy' hair and wearing a deadpool shirt to come up to the counter with a choker and five shirts. She turned back around and smiled at me. "Nice shirt" "thanks, not to bad of a shirt your self" she nodded and then left. I saw a guy outside and she ran into him, literally. She quickly apologized and he smiled at her and brushed it off. I finally realized who it was when I heard casey's voice. "Is that Kellin Quinn?" Kellin came over to the counter and smiled at casey, fourtonley she kept her cool. Unfortunately, the fans in the store noticed him. I heard a couple of gasps and kellin agreed to leave. We bolted out of there before anything happened and managed to get to kellin's car, which had everyone standing by it. Keliez then came out of the mall out of breath and I laughed at her state. "Well, now you guys know who adopted me" I say smiling. Everyone else ends up leaving and I get in the car with kellin. We then went home and started to decorate my room. It felt good to call it mine. After about three hours of aranging and rearranging things and getting my room set up, kellin decided to order a pizza since we were all too tired and lazy to try and cook. And I didn't want to burn down the house. I then 'went to bed'. And by that I meant going on my phone until 2 or 3 am and read fanfiction. Around 1:00 I had been reading a random book and I felt my eyelids weighing down. They finally did become too heavy to keep open after I plugged my phone in. My dreams were more like memories for the amount of daja vu I was experiencing. In my dream there was a little girl, about 3 or 4 and she was in a house, all alone. She seemed pretty smart as she was basically a matilda. Minus the weird powers. Anyways, the dream shifted and the girl was 8. This time there was a guy who couldn't have been any older then 23 or 24. They seemed to be arguing, for some reason the dream didn't have any sound. It shifted again and the girl was still 8 but her hair was sticking everywhere and ratted. Her clothes were torn in some places and it looked like she hadn't eaten in days. The girls face was covered in grime and dirt and another girl, an older one with blonde hair and black clothes, came over to her hunched over form. The little girl looked up at the blonde one and the blonde hair smiled and held out her hand, it had candy in it. The little girl took it and sound finally decided to appear in my dream. "Hey, my names keliez. I'm here to help you" then I woke up to a dark room and checked the time. 3:00 am. I groaned and fell back into the blankets. Eventually again I was able to fall into a an oddly dreamless sleep.

×karson's room in media×

Reckless, Rebellious, And Adopted By Kellin Quinn? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now