July 26, 2016

28 4 1

I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated! I am so sorry, guys. Stuff has been nuts for the past few months, and I haven't gotten a chance to get on this account. 

So how am I doing?


My hair pulling has left another bald spot on the top of my head. It is covered by some regrowth, however it looks like a curlicue or a mohawk. So I'm not too pleased with that.

Also, the pulling has moved to my eyebrows. My right eyebrow disappeared much faster than I anticipated, so I only have one eyebrow at the moment :/

My depression is skyrocketing, and my doctor has increased the dosage of my medicine. I'm hoping this works.

But there is some hope!! I have started several practices, including exercising daily and piano lessons. Keeping myself busy is a huge help for me, even if it's only for about an hour. 

Because I am religious, I'll be honest: I'm mad at God. It's like he has decided that I'm on my own. I feel like he doesn't even know what's happening, and that he's left me to hold the weight of the sky on my shoulders. 

I don't know what I've done. I pray to Him for help, and I don't get anything. So why?

I have to go, but I wanted to squeeze a quick update in here. Bye guys.

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