December 12, 2015.

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   I have some good news and some bad news. I'll start with the good news first.

   So today I was looking for my bald spot on my crown bit (on the very top of my scalp), and I couldn't find it. I was confused, and then I realized it was almost fully grown back!!! I am so happy that it's nearly back to normal, I just want to jump for joy. My hair is still a bit thin, and you can still see bits and pieces of the spot if I don't cover it, and when I finish swimming or showering you can easily see it. But otherwise it's practically gone!!

   Yet, everything that is good always comes with something bad. I was trying a new hairstyle because its raining pretty hard and I can't do much, and then I saw it. Most of the left side of my hair has thinning hair, and small bald spots. Surprisingly, this didn't scare me that much. I was just like "Oh, yikes" and kept doing my thing. Most of it is hidden, and the parts that aren't are so small that you couldn't see them unless you were deliberately looking for them. 

   I'm hoping that by the time my parting grows back, I can cover the thinning areas and pull from somewhere else, and when that goes bald, well I'll just cross that bridge when I get there. 

   So yeah, I thought that was something worth writing down. And also if you haven't seen my profile, you can check out my main profile, MoonSapphire17. As I said, this page is entirely trichotillomania based. MoonSapphire17 is just my random profile, where I write fan fictions, sci fi, etc.

   Anyways, have a lovely day! Hope it's sunny where you live, not raining :/

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