He Was A Dog When I Left, I Swear! - Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

Well, not right, because I seemed to have acquired a hulking great duvet hogger.

Tilting my head from side to side as my thoughts changed, I ruled out sleeping on the floor; it hadn’t been me who had been living as a dog! The floor was not where I belonged. Grudgingly, I slid in beside him, trying to ignore the heat radiating off of his body, and the flush creeping up my cheeks as his chest hit my back with each breath he took.

Most awkward sleeping arrangement.



Bruno –

When I opened my eyes, all I could see was purple.

“Wha’?” I mumbled, pushing at the haze of colour. A yelp followed, something rolling onto the floor with a dull thud and then silence. Until, of course, the shouting started…

“You pushed me out of my bed!” Blue screeched indignantly, scampering to her feet and wearing an expression that could probably shrivel lemons. “My bed!”


“You were sleeping on my face!” I complained, sitting up. Blue’s cheeks went red, and I smirked. I knew from past experience, that she only blushed when she was really embarrassed. Poor little Blue; all hung up over yours truly. My heart bled.

“Only because your face was in my bed,” she shot back, a bit too slow for it to actually count as a comeback. “You shouldn’t just waltz into people’s lives and take their beds. Especially not my bed.”

I rolled my eyes at her, rubbing at my face. God, I felt rough. Whatever she had given me last night for my headache had really knocked me out. There was even light coming through yonder window.

Or…words to that effect.

“You’re still tired?” she asked, biting down on her lip. I nodded, pulling the duvet back over me. Sleep sounded so good right now. I often thought that sleep was underrated, y’know? Too much sleep could never be a bad thing.

“Bruno, you need to get up.”

I gave her a look. I didn’t need to do anything. At all. I was a lazy dog; lazy dog’s didn’t have to do anything. Only, I wasn’t, was I? I couldn’t get back to being a lazy dog. There was no fur on my body or no tail. I was a hundred percent human.


“Fine,” I groaned, stretching. “I’m getting up.”

Blue nodded, pulling the duvet from me. She was a horrible woman; taking away a duvet. What sort of monster was she? I had saved her bacon by pretending to be her gay best friend, and this was how she repaid me? Pitiful. I decided to ignore the fact that, if it hadn’t been for me, she wouldn’t have needed her bacon saved.

Details were pointless!

“So what’re we doing today?” I asked cheerily, standing up. I stumbled a bit, trying to get my surroundings in check. I could do this. This would be fine. Blue watched me, eyes flitting across my face as she tried to work out if I was okay. I guess it was something that she cared enough to worry, but I was fine.

“I don’t know,” she murmured, pulling on a jumper. “I might go see Tabby.” As soon as I opened my mouth to say that I would join her, she shook her head. “And you’re not coming with me.”

My face fell, slightly hurt that I wasn’t being included in this.

“Why not?”

“Because you looked like you were going to die last night!” Blue exploded, her eyes flashing furiously. “I had to drag you home and wait for you to come round! Until we know what caused it, you are staying in the house and you are staying where I know you’re not going to collapse!”

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