"He's perfect." I said. But, I couldn't help but wonder what me and Aaryana's child would look like. Would it have her features? Would it have mine? Would it have a little bit of both of us?

"What's going to happen to him since you know that I found my mate?" She asked. I didn't think of that. She could take him away from me. But, then, according to the council's rules, an alpha child is not allowed to leave the pack. So he has to stay here, no matter what she does or where she goes.

"Well, he is the alpha to be of this pack. So naturally he's got to stay here. I need to teach him the ins and outs of being an alpha." I said just as my phone started ringing. "I will be right back, I got to take this." With that I walked out and answered the phone.

"This is Alpha Brentin of the Morning Star pack. How can I help you?" I asked.

"Ah. Alpha Brentin, this is Alpha Allen. I will be calling a pack meeting today. I will be there in another fifteen to twenty minutes." Alpha Allen said.

"What is the pack meeting about?" I asked.

"I will fill the whole pack in when I get there. Oh and I have guests coming with me, so tell the pack to be courteous to them." He said.

"Yes sir." I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up. *I need everyone to the meeting room within twenty minutes. A pack meeting has been called. There will be guests so be courteous to them.* I said through the mind link.

*Yes, alpha.* The pack replied.

Alpha Allen's POV

We just pulled up to Brentin's pack house. I hope he doesn't try to do anything stupid when he finds out who my guests are. Aaryana and her pack did decide to join us. So Aaryana, her beta, third in command and warrior are with me to do the pack meeting. The babies are at home with Antoine and the rest of her pack. This way he won't know about the babies, yet anyways. We got out of the cars and made our way to the door.

"Do you think he will try something?" Aaryana asked. I could see the worry in her eyes. Along with another emotion I have seen plenty of times, anger. Yeah, she can hold a grudge and I would really hate to be on the receiving line of her anger.

"He better not. He's got me and you're pack mates to worry about. And in less than 4 months your pack was deemed the strongest pack in the world." I told her. I haven't told her, but I am extremely proud of her for her achievements.

"What if he can smell the kids on me?" She asked.

"Quit worrying. He's got enough on his plate right now. From what my tracker told me through the mind link, Julie had her baby today." I said. I heard her quick intake of breath. "It's alright. Don't worry about it right now. Worry about what will be coming."

After I said that, I opened the door and walked in. I walked to the meeting room to see the whole pack in there. The pack turned around when they heard me enter and they all gasped. I know what they were gasping about. They were gasping at seeing Aaryana again. But that can wait. I got an important meeting to start. I walked up onto the stage, Aaryana and her pack following me.

"I have called this meeting today to determine what should happen to Julie. I have heard of her 'plans' and I know she committed treason. There is also some other things that she has done that none of you know about." I stated. I saw the pack looking confused. Then the pack started whispering.

"What other things has she done?" Brentin asked.

"She has set up a plan for her alpha mate to attack your pack in one to two weeks. Her and her mate planned this for the past two and a half years. My tracker, whom I assigned to follow her, heard her conversation with her mate. So there is treason towards the pack, her Luna and her alpha." I said.

"Ex-Luna." Aaryana said.

"Regardless, she needs to be punished. And everyone knows the punishment for treason is death. So, Brentin, are you ready to lose your whore like you did your mate?" I asked.

"I can't over throw the way our laws work. She committed treason, she shall face the consequences." He said, while looking longingly at Aaryana. Aaryana just rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, I need Marty and Tommy to take her to the holding cells. I will decide on a date for her punishment later today. Right now, Aaryana, her beta, third in command and warrior are going to train everyone in this pack. So go outside and get ready for some hard training. This is a precaution because, if Alpha Kip does not see his mate tonight, he just might attack sooner. Oh, Marty and Tommy, make sure she doesn't have anything on her, especially her phone." I told them before everyone dispersed to do what they were told to do.

For the rest of the day, all the pack did was train. Aaryana did not go easy on them. She trained them for 8 hours straight. Human and wolf form. Defense and offense. Everything she was taught and she knew, she taught them. By the time she was done, they were all on the ground panting. She let them go inside to eat supper so I could call another pack meeting. Then she gave Julie's baby to Lydia to take care of until we could find a suitable home for him. I think it pained her a little to see that Julie wasn't lying when she said Brentin had gotten her pregnant. But, she quickly hid her pain and got ready for what we had to do.

"We need to have another meeting. I need to get the pack's opinion on what to do with Julie." I said. They looked around at each other then got up and went into the meeting room. As we entered, I saw Aaryana's eyes light up. She really wants to know the punishment, since she is gonna be the one handing it out, seeing as Julie committed treason against her pack and her. "The options are; torture her to death, or torture her with silver and wolfs bane for days until she finally can't take no more. I would give the options to just kill her, or chain her in a cell, but just killing her would be too easy on her and chaining her in a cell is not punishment enough. What is the packs opinion?"

The whole pack started talking at once, until Aaryana stood up and handed out some paper and pens. "Write your answers down so we can take the tally." She told them. They all wrote down their answers, then put them in a bowl for us to count up. Once we had all the votes counted, we saw that the results were......................

Cliff hanger...

Which one should her punishment be?

Should she be:

a.) Tortured to death? (Beaten, whipped, cut, burnt, etc.)

b.) Tortured with silver and wolfs bane and then killed?

c.) Or your own ideas on how she should be dealt with for her treasonous ways....

Comment your choice

The only reason I do the choices, is to see what others think. I pretty much know how the story is going to go, but sometimes I need a little bit of help with certain parts of the story.

So...Comment, Vote, Fan and most of all...ENJOY!

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