Chapter Seven: Nevælia

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"We come here today to discuss the fate of..."  His Aunt flipped through a book beside her pushing her librarian glasses down.  "Katara,"  Quinn gasped softly his heart began to race.  She had the same name as Tara, could it mean that... No stop thinking like this, Quinn scolded himself and felt as Sierras ever present warmth flare up at the passion that ignited in Quinn.  "Jade Willams."  his aunt Sælim finished.  She looked back up at Quinn and the Tara clone in his arms.  She is an unknown species of dragon rider and bears the uncanny likeliness to our dead princess Katara Alinvar of Alina's royal line.  After great consideration from the court of Nevæ and its members we have decided among the agreement that Katar-"

       "Stop!"  Came the commanding boom of a women behind Quinn.  He turned to see a beatiful black women with long pronounced wavy hair and two mismatched eyes.  One grey and the other purple.  She was a scary beauty, but was nothing in comparison to his Tara.  Quinn bowed lowly and spoke,

"Queen Tarįssa," He looked up to see that the queens eyes were transfixed on the Humani girl Katara.  The queen took a shallow ragged breath and came closer to Quinn and the Humani girl. 

     "Sh-She is an exact copy of our Katara,"  Tarissa spoke gently and rested her hand on the Humanis cheek.  She harden her gaze and whipped her head up to his aunt.  "How dare you make this decision to execute her without proper approval from me!"  Quinn took a sharp intake of breath.  They were going to execute this innocent Humani girl?  Trarrisa's arms shaking in anger,  "IF there is any chance at all that this girl may be a direct descendent of Alinas Royal line then we must take all it is to find her identity and her lineage.   Nevælia needs a true heir to the throne, and if this is truly Artemis Alinvar's daughter then we must do all in our power to keep her safe!"  Tarįssas angry eyes turned back to Quinn and they softened just the slightest.  "And I am going to trust you to keep care of her, show her the basics of being a Nevæalian, you must-"

    "But-"  Quinn protested.

"No buts!"  Tarries yelled, "I want her trained with the Purple Rank, fed and clothed.  She is to be treated as a higher noble until we fid out if this is truly Katara Alinvar or not!"  Tarįssa then turned around and her long dress whipped behind her.  She stormed out in a graceful fashion and her guards ran after her like startled puppies.  She slammed the doors shut with a bang.  Quinn's aunt scowled at the door as if it was the source of all her problems.   She was that powerhungry to sacrifice such an innocent girl for such a small political gain?  Quinn fought back the urge to scream and continued his stoic facade. 

"You may leave now fledgling."  Aunt Sælim said and dissmisivly waved her hand at the door.  Quinn pursed his lips at the demeaning manner in which his aunt spoke to him.  However he simply bowed and walked out.  Still carrying the limp Humani in his arms.  She is not Tara, he thought to himself one last time as he walked out the grand door into the cold hallway that would lead him back home.

----------------------Back to Katara's View (Not first person:)

    Katara felt dizzy and tired.  She slowly blinked her eyes open ignoring the pounding headache in her skull.  The first things she saw was a purple ceiling.  Katara bolted upright and looked to find an unfamiliar room.  Her mind was cluttered with new memories and information as she slowly came to terms that the had practically been kidnapped, rode a dragon, and entered a different world.  "Oh Cheeze Whiz,"  Katara grumbled.   "Since when has life involved so much blacking out." 

     "I don't know,"  Said a voice from behind Katara, "You seem to have a habit of fainting when ever I am near.   I didn't think I was that good looking..."  Katara turned her head slowly rolling her eyes. 

   "Look Golden boy," She began sarcastically talking to the boy who nochalently leaned up against a bay window in the back of the room.

     "Golden boy,"  Said the boy with a smirk, "Wow, I really am that perfect aren't I." He said.  "Now all this perfectness has to explain to a the stupid Humani girl in front of me all about our history and rules, blah blah blah..."  Golden boy approached Katara and sat down on the bed.  Katara scooted over in the deep purple covers with a huff. 

"Why would I have to know all this stuff about your world.  Me and Ocęanim belong in ours."  Katara said and Ocęanim snorted smoke in agreement.  his blue and green scales reflected the world around them.  "You are the one who kidnaped the both of us."  Katara huffed again and put her head in the air. 

"Because this is your new home,"  Golden boy began.  "Nevælia."  His golden hair glimmered in the Golden light that came in through the window. 

Katara scowled at golden boy, "No, my home is right back in my world with my normal family!"  Katara shouted with a glare worthy of an evil sorceress.  "And I don't give a Hashbrown about your weird world."  Katara crossed her arms in front of her chest tin defiance.

Golden boy sighed in annoyance, "Look Humani-"

"My name isn't Humani!  Its Katara for foodness sake!" Katara yelled at golden boy noticing how he flinched at the use of her name Katara. 

"It was either this or execution Humani,"  Golden boy snapped and Katara reeled back in shock. 

"You were going to kill me!"  She whisper yelled her eyes wide with shock, she slowly scooted away from golden boy.  Golden boy sighed and tried to scoot closer to Katara. 

"Look Humani, I didn't have a say in the matter of your life, our council did.  Now if you would let me try to explain something to you..."  Golden boy left his words hanging in the air.  Katara sighed dramatically.

"Fine Golden boy, lets get this over with."  She said haughtily as Golden boy began to speak the hisoty of Nevælia.

"When Nevælia was still a new world to this universe, a fledgling planet, We needed not a leader, or king of a sort.  Nevælians' dragons were not used as a war machine but were simply always there for their Nevælian.  We lived peacefully for many generations amongst ourselves.  Until the generation of three best friends.  The young beautiful Alina, and her two best guy friends Sorin and Xander.  Sorin and Xander both slowly fell in love with Alina and her spirit.  Alina however only fell for one, Sorin.  Once she spoke her mind Xander began to close himself off and shut himself away from his friends beginning to delve into dark magic to gain more power to catch Alina's attention.  When Alina and Sorin had a child, it was to much.  Xander captured Sorin and sacrificed him to awake the god Venti, The father of all demons and the source of Evil in the world.  He was the opposing force to the Nevælian patron gods, Krajįan and Lįkala.  The twins of the sky.  Xander asked for the power to oppose all the rest of Nevælia.  He promised Venti anything, Venti took his dragon.  That is literally ripping your soul from your body.  Xander had no soul or spirit at all to guide him morally. BNormally no one could survive without his or her dragon.  However Venti cursed Xander to live by bonding him with a deamon beast.  The Raevner.  Xander's essence was dark now, as was his love.  For love is not evil nor good but simply love.  Xander took all of Venti's deamon army and went to battle the rest of Nevælia.  Alina took charge and directed the before peacefull Nevælians into organization.  In the years preparing for the war Alina was forced into a position of power as the first queen of Nevælia.  During the battle Alina would sacrifice herself to end all of the bloodshed.  Xander would retreat with no army left nor any gain.  Xander would then join his adoptive father the god Venti on the world of Terrin.  Xander nor any of his line has been seen since."   Golden boy suddenly stopped and stared at Katara uncomfortably.  Katara shifted awkwardly on the bed.  Her eyes flickering all around the room.

"That is all for today,"  Golden boy said and walked out the door slamming it behind him.  Katara collapsed on the bed and asked Ocęanim.

"What have we gotten ourselves into."  


Hey!  So this is twice as long as usually to make up for the short chapter before.  I also want to shoutout to wolfess21 and Hayleyautumns again for being such awesome supportive people and great writers.  Plz check them out again!  Anyway I am also happy to say that I am going to try and go into the social media world as a writer.  I just set up an Instagram account at menky100.write, and am going to be setting up some other ones as well.  So thanks for your time and farewell!





Katara (REWRITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang