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It's funny how confused you can get about everything around you, especially when you remember that everything that has ever come into play in our universe is connected to everything else- if that makes sense. But you kind of have to put it in perspective. Like, for example, meeting people who would soon take your world into their hands, twisting it into something you never even knew that you needed. If my parents had never been walking down the same street on that particular day many years ago, I wouldn't even be here. If my mother had taken a minute longer getting ready that morning, I would've never even been a thought. But I was. And now here I am.

I turned off the shower knob, reaching for the towel hanging off the foggy glass door. I pressed the material against my face, breathing in and sighing as if it would help filter my thoughts.

I enveloped myself in the warm towel, stepping out onto the linoleum floor and into my (still unpacked) bedroom. Bending over, I reached into a box of clothes and pulled out, surprise surprise, another t-shirt along with a pair of athletic shorts.

Glancing over my shoulder and out the large glass window towards the vacant beach, making a mental note.

I really needed to get curtains soon.


The rest of the day was spent with seemingly endless hours of unpacking, decorating, and eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Sounds disgusting, I know, but it's definitely not.

I leaned against my doorframe, sighing and taking in my newly decorated bedroom. The floor was a dark brown wood, contrasting the white duvet that covered my bed, matched by the white brick walls. The maroon tapestry hung behind my bed was dimly lit by the Christmas lights strung above it, dimly reflecting off the window and illuminating the entire room.

I padded over to my bed, flopping down on it and turning on the lamp on my bedside table. I turned on my Bluetooth speaker, picking up my phone and opening Spotify. After a solid minute of indecisive scrolling, I settled on an Ed Sheeran album.

My wandering thoughts were interrupted by a blue and white notification at the top of my phone screen. Furrowing my brows, I opened Facebook, clicking on the list of friend requests. My eyes raked over name after name, mostly those of my parents' friends who most likely just want to up their number of friends of Facebook. I reached the top of the list, only to find a name I didn't recognize at all.

Who was Luke Hemmings?

I clicked on the obscure name, immediately opening the profile picture. The corners of my mouth were tugged into a small smile and my heart rate sped up as I immediately recognized the face in front of me; it was the boy from the lifeguard tower.

Less than a minute after accepting his friend request, I received a second notification- this time from Facebook Messenger. My grin returned as I opened his message.

Luke Hemmings - 9:44pm
Hi :-)

Rowan Walker - 9:45pm
lifeguard boy !!

Luke Hemmings - 9:45pm
Yes that is me haha

Rowan Walker - 9:46pm
wait wait wait

Luke Hemmings - 9:46pm

Rowan Walker - 9:47pm
how the hEll did you find me on facebook

Luke Hemmings - 9:49pm
Oh haha funny story

Rowan Walker - 9:49pm

Luke Hemmings -9:50pm
I kind of know the guy who runs the neighborhood

The one right near my tower

The one you live in

Rowan Walker - 9:51pm
yes I know the one

Luke Hemmings - 9:52pm
Okay well yeah so I just kinda asked him if he knew anything about the new family that moved in

aka your family

Rowan Walker - 9:52pm
yes I'm with you so far

Luke Hemmings - 9:53pm
Yeah well he told me and I kind of looked you up on Facebook and now I'm talking to you. Kind of.

Rowan Walker - 9:53pm
okay yeah gotcha

Luke Hemmings - 9:54pm
Anyways I just kinda wanted to tell you I enjoyed talking to you at the beach :-)

Rowan Walker - 9:54pm
aw I enjoyed it too(:

Luke Hemmings - 9:55pm
You should come to the tower again

At like, the exact same time

Rowan Walker - 9:56pm
u got it dude

Luke Hemmings - 9:56pm
Tomorrow? :-)

Rowan Walker - 9:57pm
Okay, tomorrow (:

I closed the app, immediately setting my early alarm for the next morning. I plugged in my phone, turning off all my lights. Rolling onto my side, I pulled the duvet up to my shoulders.

This boy had etched a smile onto my face, and I'm not so sure it would be leaving anytime soon.


I'm Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I've learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door.

ravioli ravioli I have so many regrets

this was so short but anyway my italics won't turn off and i have had one heckin day of a day

gnight !

-Emma (;(;

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