Haven't heard of me? It's Charlotte :P x

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Hi there, my name is Charlotte Rosenthal Haven't heard of me? I'm not surprised.

I am a fifth year Gryffindor. Also known as an outcast. I do not really mind that status. It has defined me since Day 1.

I'm also a Muggleborn. My dad is a Muggle Police Officer, and my mother is a Muggle journalist. I have a younger sister Amelia who is about 8.

Life at Hogwarts is complicated and always eventful. Blood status has always been a horrible challenge, and when I'm not being tortured by the Slytherin gits, I have some great friends who have my back.

My best friend is Neville Longbottom. We have been friends since the first day when we met on the Hogwarts express. I was the awkward blonde muggle-born, and he was the quirky boy with a toad named Trevor. It was destined to be friendship. I know things about Neville that no one else does. He knows things about me that no one else does. I love him to death, but as a brother, nothing more. 

I also have Olive and Dani, who have been like older sisters to me. It's really nice to have them there for me, considering I only have a younger sister. I would do anything for them, but I don't think they know it.

As a Muggleborn, some people (the Slytherins) are incredibly rude to me. It does not help that I suck at comebacks, and my best friend sucks at standing up for me. I try to hold my own and don't let it get to my head, but I dwell on things a lot. I don't like hurting other people, even the Slytherins, but I have to sometimes. I prefer to work things out, but I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.

Mostly, I'm just an energetic and fun person. I love to listen to people and be an encouragement. I'll stay up with you all night and help you with anything. Others come first in my book, and if you're looking for a friend for life, look no further.

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