Arabella's Diary

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That has to be the most dangerous thing I have ever done. Sneaking down into the kitchen isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, and I really hope to God that no one noticed me. If they have, I'm going to be in a LOT of trouble! And in a couple of minutes I'll be able to find out if it has worked or not. See, I have my own supply of Fred and George's Puking Pastils and decided to give Slytherin a little gift in their dinner tonight. Hopefully, that will stop them thinking they're better than the rest of us.

Anyway onto other news, the latest present from Molly. No jumper, just a diary. Got to admit, I'm glad I don't have another knitted Weasley jumper. I love her but...really, they were sort of embarrasing. Molly always gave me, my sister and the rest of the Weasley's, jumpers before christmas and a new one at christmas as well as other things but this year she has given me a diary instead of the traditional jumper. I wonder if the others all got something different...or the usual. Then again...he did look good in his jumper...George that is. Diaries are for putting your secrets in right? Well, that's mine. I like George Weasley...a lot. I have for a while now but I have two problems,

1. He is basically a brother to me.

2. Dani also likes him...

Yeah...number two is the worst problem. I can't go behind a friends back...she likes him lots but so do I; hopefully she will never find out that I like him as well. That wouldnt be good at all. Us four were always great friends...Fred, George, Dani and me. The pranksters of the school. Then again we aren't as close as we were before...maybe she knows something. Holy Chocolate Frogs; she'd better not!

The fact that he is a brother to me isn't good either compared to what you might think! Thing is, I have lived with him and his family for my whole life so you can see how he is the brotherly type. Also I don't think Molly would be extremely happy either...

I don't think any of my other friends are catching on that I like him apart from Olive...she can read people like books and she knows that me and Dani like him, I'm sure of it. As long as George doesn't find out, then everything is fin-

I heard the door to the common room open and quickly shoved my diary inbetween a bundle of books that were sitting on my lap. I turned around and peeked a look over at the door to see a tall redhead walk in. I slid down the couch a bit so that he wouldn't see me as my back was to the door. I heard footsteps and then silence. Phew, that was a close one, he almost spotted me. I stood up and picked up the pile of books.

Suddenly, someone shouted 'boo' and hit my shoulders. I gave a huge scream and literally jumped a foot in the air. Booming laughter rang out around me as I finally steadied my heart. I turned around ready to give whoever it was a piece of my mind. George was standing there, shaking with laughter. Oh, he really messed with the wrong person this time. Quick as a flash my knee was raised and I kicked him right where it hurts. He doubled over and then fell straight to his knees.

"Yes, bow before me...!" I muttered, laughing a little.

"What the hell Ari?!" He huffed out. I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit bad for what I had done, I mean he was only messing around. Then I remembered what Fred and him had done during Muggle Studies. Changed my mind; he did deserve that.

"That's for the stink pellets..."I smirked. He looked up at me, sorry-felt expression on his face. Aaaw, he is so cute when he does that. I reached out my hand and he grabbed it, hauling himself up.

"Guess I had that coming." He muttered, smoothing down his hair.

"Well, what I was going to say before you so rudely interuppted me was, are you coming to join us for dinner or not...Ron is going to eat it all if you dont hurry! Oh and you should see the Slytherins, they all basically sprinted out the place!" He said, heading back to the door.

I sat back on the couch, and starting playing with the gold tassles on my robes, twisting them through my fingers. When George noticed I wasn't following him he came back over and sat down next to me.

"Okay, what have you done?" He asked me. I smiled at him mischeviously and pulled out a packet of puking pastils from my pockets.

"Lets just say...the Slytherins won't be well enough to come and find me!"

George and I spent the next couple of minutes laughing and him saying how he wondered why they were all sprinting out of the room at the speed of light. His brown eyes were glittering as he laughed, his dimples showing. I knew I was head over heels for this guy. Around him I had to keep my act up, we're best friends. Im not ruining that any time soon. I could see the tips of my honey golden hair going pink and cursed under my breath. This has to be the worst magical gift ever, its embarrasing. Especially as my friends know what what it means, being a Metamorphmagus isnt all its cracked up to be.

"Right, I think we should go down for dinner now...I wasnt joking when I said Ron was going to eat it all and I dont want a run-in with Umbridge. " He said, in all seriousness. I agreed and we headed out the doors and down to the Great Hall.

Everyone was in the middle of eating the giant feast and therefore didn't notice us as we quickly walked past, I quickly settled myself between Olive and Dani and gave a deep breath, glad that Umbridge hadn't seen us. From what I've heard...I would hate to have a detention with her. George took his seat across from us, beside Fred and Lee Jordan.

"Oooh, whats going on here then? Both of you late for dinner and sneaking in." Olive bumped shoulders with me and gave me a little wink. I could feel my cheeks burning and for the second time in less than 15 minutes my hair turned its bright pink colour. I could see the look on Dani's face and quickly went to clear things up a little.

"Actually no, I happened to be in the common room hiding from the slytherins who no doubt will be searching for me after I put Puking Pastils in their food before lunch." Everyone burst out laughing, but Dani still had that look on her face. I was definatley going to have to talk to her later.

Soon, everyone got back to eating food and we all fell into our own conversations. The boys were off talking about Quiddich and practise. Us girls however we're talking about the DA meeting and how awesome it was going to be. At least Dani was back to normal now.

"Oi you!" I heard from behind me. Oh Merlin, here we go.

"Yes, do you have a problem?" I asked, in my most sweetest voice. Kayla and her little gang well if you call Natalie and Maeve a gang.

"We know it was you who spiked out food with Puking Pastils!" Kayla said.

"I have know idea what your talking about?!" I said, "So if you'll excuse me, I'll think I'll go to the common room now."

I stood up and my friends all watched me as I did so. I turned around and budged past Kayla only for her to grab my arm and pulled me back,

"We know it was you!" She nearly shouted.

"Hey Kayla, maybe you should leave. No need to cause a scene." I heard Olive say.

I noticed Draco and his friends come up alongside Kayla and ask what was going on,

"Well, this idiot starts on us for apparently poisioning her with Puking Pastils-" Fred put a hand on Olive's shoulder and whispered something to her. She shut up right away.

"Yeah Kayla, we dont know anything about this...I think you should let Ari go!" George said, standing up along with Fred, Olive and Dani.

"You messed with the wrong Slytherins..." Kayla said as Draco put his arm around her waist and led her away from us. Her 'friends' trailing along.

I watched her walk-away until she was out of sight. The room was silent for a couple of seconds and then everyone was chatting again. I turned around and saw that everyone was already talking about what had just happened.

"You okay Ari?" Fred asked, curiously.

I nodded and told everyone that I was off to bed and that I'll see them later before leaving the Hall and entering the common room. The place was empty, obviously no-one had been here since she and George. She grabbed her pile of books and ran up into the Girls Dorm.

Well that was eventful!

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