All About Me: Frankie!! :D x

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So my name is Francesca Saunders but everyone calls me Frankie. My dad is Greg Saunders and I never see him because he's in his office day in; day out. My mum died during childbirth so I never knew her. Luna Lovegood is like my little sister and if it came to it I would always give up my life for her and if you call her Loony Lovegood then I will actually kill you so don't you dare call her that. I am a pureblood but I hate all that 'purebloods rule the wizarding world' crap.

My best friend is Cho Chang. I tell her everything except one thing. I know she's in depression after Cedric's death but he was a Hufflepuff. I did tell her this but she got really annoyed and told me I'm stuck up. I told her I was stuck up, I'm a Ravenclaw. I am the typical stuck up Ravenclaw who thinks she smarter then everyone else because we are. Some Ravenclaw's might disagree but I'm not a very humble person, I was nearly a Slytherin.

I can be considered rude but I can help but say the truth. It's not my fault Hufflepuff are stupid. Gryffindors are too vain and Slytherins are just idiots! But I am a nice person when you get to know me. I admire people who stand up to my big mouth. Which is how I became friends with Cho she once told me to shut up.

I think I might be crushing on Blaise Zabini and that CANNOT happen!

I hate Slytherins because:

1. They call Luna, Looney

2. They agree with that pureblood crap

3.Yes I might have feelings for Draco Malfoy's best friend. DO NOT TELL ANYONE! I haven't even told Luna. I just can't; to him I'm the gobby Ravenclaw who hates all Slytherins and annoys the hell out of Malfoy.

To be honest my life sucks. My dad is unknown to me, the person I am possibly crushing on hates my guts, I feel guilty for keeping a secret from my best friend and the only person who probably won't hate me is Luna but I haven't seen her since last month. My dad made me stay home.

I have a big mouth as you can tell, okay that's it I suppose. Frankie out :)

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