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Towards the end of this chapter there are some sensitive subjects and possible trigger warnings. I thought I might just warn you. It isn't direct, but there are hints in there. I will make a small note when it comes up :)

I squeeze Arthur's hand as some of my soldiers come to take him to the druid physician. I sob quietly, not letting go of his hand as they lift him carefully.

"No, no," I sob, trying to keep a hold of him. My cheeks are wet with tears as I cry.

A soft hand rests on my back as Benedict pulls me away from him. He grabs me by the shoulders and turns me to him. Staring me in the eyes he begins to talking calmly.

"Sire, calm down. Arthur will be fine! You need to calm down because you have a war to win," he says quietly. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing as it begins to slow. I wipe my eyes and nod.

I turn towards where Balaine was stood but there is no one there.

"No! He's gone!" I shout as I run to the door.

I make my way through the empty corridors, down towards the citadel. I run through the open doorway, out into the courtyard. I make my way towards the huge gates that lead to the lower town, where the battle is taking place. I run down the deserted main street desperately, Benedict not far behind. We turn a corner where we hit the battle full on.

Balaine's knights are battling ahead of me as they try to push my army backwards out of the city, but the my army battles just as hard. I run up behind Balaine's men, ready to fight when a shout is heard from behind me.

"Merlin! Aren't you forgetting something?" A harsh cackle pierces my ears.

I turn slowly and what I see terrifies me.

Balaine stands pulling my mother close to him. One hand clutches her arm tightly, his rotten nails dig into her skin drawing blood and the other holds a sharp dagger to her throat.  The blade is silver and newly sharpened, it's handle is wooden with small carvings of spirals. He holds my Mother's back against his chest, holding her close. Her long brown hair knotted and hanging over her shoulder. Her bright blue eyes have turned a pale grey and her pupils are dilated. Tears roll down her cheeks as she sobs. Our eyes lock and all I see is fear and guilt.

"Merlin, I'm sorry! He -- he made me," she sobs, coughing in between breaths. She wriggles and his nails dig deeper into her flesh, causing a scream to come from the queens lips.

"Balaine, let her go!" I shout, taking a step forward.

"Not until you call your army off!" He says.

"No!" I shout anger boiling in the pit of my stomach.

"Call them off!"


"Call them off, Merlin, or I will slit her throat!" He pushes the blade into her skin and a droplet of blood drips onto the blade. My Mother cries out in a pained screech. Her face pales and she panics.

I look between my Mother and my army, that are beginning to push the enemy closer.

"Retreat! Retreat!" I shout. My army stop fighting and look towards me, where I stand further up the hill.

They turn and run towards the city gates. I turn back to where Balaine stands with my Mother.

"Now let her go!" I say calmly. I walk closer and Benedict follows at my heal.

"No," he cackles with a smirk.

"Let her go!" I shout louder as walk closer, I hold my hand out carefully.

Cadagorien And Its Lost Prince (Prince Merlin AU)Where stories live. Discover now