If This Is What It Takes

Start from the beginning


Nash couldn't sleep at all that night. He jumped out of bed every twenty minutes, anxiously thrusting his hand under the faucet. Time after time, nothing happened. Nash knew that it took at least until the next day for anything to really happen, but he couldn't help but keep trying. Eventually he dropped down into a chair at the kitchen table and forced himself to read a book until the sun began to rise.

He managed to wait until 7am before standing and eying the sink. Nervously, he walked over to it and turned on the water. He let the cool water gently run over his hand and patiently counted to ten in his head.
"Damn it." Nash muttered, feeling defeated as he twisted the knob until the water stopped running. He leaned against the sink, letting his head droop. He had been so sure this would work. As much as he tried not to, he felt terribly disappointed.
"Oh well." Shaking his head, Nash grabbed his bag and headed out the door. There was a diving competition in two days that he and Will planned both entering and he had a lot of training to do. He scheduled to meet up with Will only in an hour, but figured he got nothing better to do until then and better get into it already.


"Hey guys." Nash said as he walked over the girls and Will who sat outside of the café. He could tell at the girls eyes it was all very awkward for them, as none of them look to his eyes. But most of all, he noticed Rikki. It literally broke his heart more then ever to see her like that. All he wanted was to get things right with her. Even though all that happened since that night at the movies. He just wanted everything to be fine between them again.
"We agreed to meet her to tell you everything we." Cleo said dryly.
"I guess you're just one of us now." Bella added.
Nash couldn't help the feeling of grief. He would never try to hurt them, and he had no idea why they acted as their world was torn apart. All he wanted was to be a bigger part of the group.
"What's wrong guys? Why you all acting like I'm gonna blow your cover?" Nash said then paused, but then he realized he was talking to loud, and lowered his voice. "I'm sorry of what happened, I really did," He looked at Emma, and she looked right back. "All I was hoping is that we can be friends now. Well, friends without secrets." He paused again, then got up. "But that's your choice, I get if you wanna keep it to yourself. It's fine, don't worry, I won't say a thing." He said and started walking away.
"Wait." Rikki called behind him. "It's fine. You're one of us now, I guess."
"Every friend of Will is a friend of us." Cleo added with a smile.
"We're sorry." Rikki finished, and Nash felt that she spoke more about herself rather then the others.
The girls looked at each other, then Bella took a deep breath. "Stay. Sit down. We'll tell you everything."

For over an hour went by, full of tales about the moon, their powers, everything that happened in their past, and the crystals.
"...and then was when we found out that the box you found," Cleo paused and took the little metal box out of her pocket, "Well there were three of these crystals in it. We didn't know what to do, so we just had to take it."
"Yeah, but was it that dangerous? I'm pretty sure I could take care of it by myself." Nash noted.
"Look, all the magic we have, all the magic the moon pool have, comes from moonlight. These crystals have been in those walls for years, and they've been packed with moonlight. If they touch each other, they could release moonlight, and moonlight is magic. With magic out there, no one knows what could happen." She finished, and looked down at the box. "Here, you have it." She passed it to Will. "Make a necklace for Emma as well." She said and hugged her friend.
"What should I do with the other two?" Will asked, holding the box.
"You think of something." She smiled.

"Well, I guess that's it." Nash said and got up. "Thank you for sharing all of that with me. I'll keep your secret close to my heart." He said and started walking away.
"I should go too, I need to at least try writing some songs till tomorrow." Bella said. "Unless I could have a writing partner..." She looked at Rikki with puppy eyes, yet all Rikki did was rolling her eyes at her.
"You offered that idea yourself!" Bella exclaimed.
"Fine, go for it." Rikki said and half-smiled at her.
Bella didn't wait a second before running after Nash. "Wait, Nash!"
He turned around to her. "Look, I think you're a great musician, and I wondered if you'd like to write some songs with me?" She desperately smiled. "I really need help."
"Sure. Mind if we'd meet at Will's? I think it'd be quieter there." He smiled.
She laughed. "Sure, tonight at 7?"
"You got it. Meet you there." He said and winked, right before walking away.

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