Chapter 1: Gala Doesn't Disappoint... Most of the time.

Start from the beginning

"Here, I'll teach you." He says and my smile comes back up almost as fast as my head.

"Really?" I ask. And he starts to move and I let him lead me. Eventually I catch on and by the end of the song, I am ding it farely well, in my opinion. "Thank you, Daxton" I stand up onto my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek, and close my eyes until My feet make it back to ground. But before I lnow it I'm encased in his arms, and he is hugging me tightly. So tight, in fact, that I can barely breathe.

The next thing I hear shocks me, and it stops me in my tracks. "I like you, Laney." Dax's hot breath hits my ear, and I feel terrible as I free myself from his arms. My mascara starts to run again. I cannot believe this. I run right back into the bathroom, and grab a few paper towels as I runpast them. I wipe my eyes over and over again, wishing now that I hadn't run out on him like that. I mean the guy just had the guts to admit to me that he had a crush on me. And I just... left.

My friends must eventually realize my absence, but by then, I was up trying to get the lines off of my face. Shelby pulls me into her arms, and I explain the whole thing. She is the closest friend I have at this dance. "Sh. Sh..." She strokes my back with her palm trying to soothe me. It's not working. "Hey," She grabs my chin and picks up my head."Hey, princess. Pick up your head. Your tiara is falling." She smiles, forcing me into one too.I hug her and heave a sigh.

"Ugh!" I groan. "Why does high school have to be so frigging complicated and dramatic?" I ask aloud, but rhetorically. My friends coax me back into the main ballroom.

At first I refuse to go near Dax. But then I suck it up and put myself in his shoes, where I could be someday, if I ever told Tristin that I was practically in love with him.

I find Dax in one of those loser chairs on the far side of the room. I walk over to him, with my shoes in hand along with my clutch. I reach him in a few more seconds, and I just stand there and look at him.He avoids my eyes, but I won't let him just drop it like that. I want to make things right.

I toss my shoes off to the side and outstretch my arm, with an open hand. At first he just stands there and looks from my hand to my face and back again. Eventually he gives in and takes it. I lead him jusft a short ways away, barely on the dance floor at all. Instead of dancing hand in hand like we had been, I wrap my hands around his neck, and he places his hands onto my hips. It is a fairly slow song and near the middle I decide it's time to tell him.

But as I go onto my tip-toes to reach his ear, something stops me. That's when I notice that it's one of his hands on my hip. I glance down, but look up in a second.

And that's when his  lips touch mine.

At first I'm shocked and don't do anything about it, but as the seconds pass, my hands go back behind his neck and I pull him closer to me.

After a few more seconds, I have to pull away to breathe. "Wow." I hear Dax say as I try to fix my makeup.

"Dax," I start. But when I make myself look in his eyes and I know I can't hurt him. His dark, grey-blue eyes are beautiful behind his dark rimmed glasses peer into my green eyes, trying to read what I'm thinking. Or maybe what I'm about to say. "I--".

But then he kisses me again. Maybe it's because he wasn't really thinking about what I was saying. Maybe it's because he just likes me that much. Maybe he just wanted me to shut the heck up, because he knew what I was going to say.

His lips are hot and prominent on mine. They taste like... sweet. They just taste sweet. And I like kissing him.

I have only kissed a guy one other time, and that barely counts, because it was with this guy named Jackson. And it wasn't even fun or cool. And it totally was not fun. He was to forceful, and he was ugly and ugh.

But Dax's kisses... it was like he was actually telling me something through them. And wasn't just how powerful his tongue was. Dax's lips were soft, and thoughtful. But as the song ends and a faster song begins to play and as we come out of our kiss, he spins me one more time, and let's go of my hand. I look around wondering if anyone noticed us, but the only one who really did, was Kate and she is just smiling like a retard. I walk over to her, holding Dax's hand in one of my hands, and I elbow her with my other arm.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies." And we both double over in laughter and that's when I notice that Dax isn't anywhere near me. I lean over to Shelby asks if she's seen him, and she just shrugs. Of course she does. She didn't see what happened ten minutes ago. "Why?"

"I'll tell you later." I respond and walk off the dance floor, turning my head left and right searching for Dax, but I cannot find him.

Tristin comes up to me, Alli on his left hugging to his side as tightly as she can. "Who are you looking for?"

"Dax." I answer. "Have you seen him?"

"Yeah I think he went into the bathroom." He responds. "I'll go check." Then he leaves

"So..."I say trying to fill the awkward silence between me and my chrush's girlfriend. "What's up? You havin' fun?"

She smiles wickedly. "Yeah. Tristin and I are having lots of fun." Then she winks.

I want to roll my eyes at her and cuss her out on the spot. But instead I drop it and bite my lip. Thank God, Dax and Tristin walk up right then because I'm trying so hard to keep the lid on this pot, but it's about to blow.

"Hey." I say to Dax, and realize that his eyes are red, and his cheeks are light pink. I grab his hand and pull him to sit at one of the tables in the area. I turn my chair to face him and I look him in the eyes. "What's up, Dax." I wait a moment, and when he doesn't answer I know he's debating on the truth. "Please." I take his loose hand in mine. "The truth?"

"Okay." He says and sniffles. "I just lost it, I guess. I thought that you were going to say no when I decided to tell you. Then you didn't, and after you stopped talking to me... I don't know."

I kiss him on the cheek and say, "I like you, okay? Let's get that straight. Got it?" When he nods,l I continue. "I didn't kiss you back because I was guilty." Then I kiss him. "Are we good now?"

"Yes." he says,  and then leads me quickly back onto the dance floor. "Now," he begins, and then smirks. "I hear you got some moves?"

I shake my head, but all of the people surrounding us start to drown me out and I give in. I shyly nod my head. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Let's see 'em." He says, and his sweet smile encourages me. That's when I finally let myslef go. I don't have to think when I dance and I don't pay attention to anyone, but I know Dax is right behind me the whole time. It makes me very happy to know that I have a guy that likes me so much.

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

And it takes a lot to make this tomgirl say anything like that. But Dax did.

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