Chapter 6 - You should be so lucky

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The girl plays dirty I will give her that.

"You no fun."I say basically admitting defeat

"And how was your day honey?"Mom asks me.

My day? I had paperwork that I couldn't look passed. I missed lunch and I basically got harassed by our fifty eight years old CEO/cougar. My day sucked ass except the part where I did what I loved doing and that was consulting with people and talking about marketing projects. That is all that I am suppose to do not still be the bitch boy as well. I can't complain. NO I really can't complain I signed a contract stipulating that.

"Fine."Was all I managed to say sparing my parents from my boring antics.

Mom frowned at me patting my back "That bad?"She said as dad just chuckled something about paying your dos or something old guys say.

"No just uninteresting."I said smiling at Mom.

"Well what about that company cocktail party you were telling me about last night?"

By this time I saw Hannah look over to me confused. I might not be sure but I think I forgot to mention that to her..oh no wait yeah I definitely forgot to mention it.

"It's not a big deal really."I said wishing my mom would stop but not my mom no never she was to nosy for that. I knew she just wanted to know what her kids were up to but she could have not picked a worst time.

"That's not what you said last night honey? I though you said all 7 branches were going to come together for the cocktail party." Mom said bursting my bubble.

I didn't need to talk to Hannah about everything. I had no obligation to her but to tell you the truth I think it hurt her that I didn't tell her anything..

"Can I be excused."Hannah said smiling at my Mother.

"Sure honey thank you for helping Kim...Again."Mom said earning another great smile from Hannah

"Can I go too Mom?"Kim asked

"No you stay ,your father and I want to talk to you about your relationship with Fred. We found some things and it's safe to say that we need to sit down and talk about it. I am sure Hannah will be fine by herself."Mom said and I tried my hardest to hide my smile away from Kim because well she throws a mean punch.

"Well I will see you guys later good luck sis."I say to Kim earning a classic eye roll.

Walking upstairs I wonder what the hell to tell Hannah. I didn't mean to lie to her really I just did not want to bring up the subject. Things were going so well and I think both of us tried avoiding arguements for the most sake.

I saw her  laying down on Kims bed so I walked into Kims room closing the door behind me. Once she heard the door shut she looked up her eyes meeting mine and she frowns looking away.

"Hey you.."I tested

"Don't hey you me. I am mad at you."Hannah says her eyes avoiding mine

"I was going to tell you about the stupid party but -"

"But what? Look Beth I know that I am always around here with Kim and with you so if you are getting sick of me just tell me. I just don't want you to lie to me about silly stuff."Hannah says acting more like an adult then I was because I still didn't want to have this conversation. I didn't want to talk about this party .I knew what question was coming.

"I'm sorry."I say fiddling with my hands.

"And another thing I don't get is why you didn't ask me to go with you."Hannah says looking a little hurt now.

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