Chapter One

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Alec's POV
Clary being in the institute was not going to go down well.
After finding out her true parentage we all had to drop everything to help her get back her precious mundane. We finally got back and I think its about time to visit my twin.
"Alec, are you going to see Adrienne?" Asked my parabatai
I nodded slowly, not seeing why he needed to know.
"Take Clary with you. I need to do some training with Hodge"
I start to argue back but he was already out the door. Clary was standing right behind me.
"Listen, little girl. Adrienne does not need to deal with your mundane crap. You can stand outside."
I abruptly leave, not wanting to keep my sister waiting.

"Woah, I have never been here before."
"Its restricted. Lightwood family members only. "
The red head was really getting on my last nerve.
I knocked very lightly on the door. 4 times to be exact.
Its a code so Adrienne knows who is coming. 4 knocks for me, 5 for Izzy & 6 for my parents or Max, although they rarely visit. Jace has the bad fortune of knocking 7 times.
I wait but no sound comes from her room.
"Clary. Stay here. Do not wander around."
I slowly walk inside. Adrienne is backed against the far wall holding her seraph blade close to her.
"Alec. " she breathes out and relaxes. I move carefully to sit next to her.
She burries her head in my shoulder.
"Yeah, its me, Adri." She just lies on me and I take the time to notice the developing bags under her eyes.
"Adri, why haven't you been sleeping?" I ask her softly. Before she can reply I hear a creak from outside. She sits up immediately, seraph blade in hand.
"He's here." She whispered. Again and again, like a mantra she whispered it. She was becoming more and more worked up.
"Adri, hey listen to me. Its Alec. HE is not here. The person outside is Clary, do you want to meet her?"
Hearing that it was girl outside seemed to help. I walked out to see Clary.
"Clary, she wants to meet you. Please be quiet, no sudden movements." Little mundane looked confused but nodded. I brought her into the room. Adri was busy drawing runes on the walls. Protection runes.
"Hi, I'm Clary. Wow you're really good at drawing." Clary introduces herself.
Adrienne spins on her heel to face clary. Recognition clouds her eyes and she starts screaming and clawing at her arms.
"Clary get out."
"But I..."
Clary hurriedly leaves. I crouch onto the floor attempting to make myself as small as possible.

"Adrienne. Your safe. It's only me, Alec, your twin."

I near closer, the screaming and scratching has stopped but she is shaking.

Izzy rushes into the room. She slows when she see's me comforting Adri.

She too joins us in the warm embrace. Adrienne has finally relaxed and she starts to fall asleep.

We allow her to sleep on us, enjoying the silence that comes from it.

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