Here We Go Again

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I had my head phones rapping along to Chris Browns - Wishing while packing. I was deep in thought. I'm ready for Chanel's last 4 months to fly and it don't feel like it's moving fast enough. When I found out that the baby may not be mines, I was crushed. She knew how bad I wanted a family. Especially after my dad not being there, when he died I didn't feel anything. And that's sad as hell. I could be absent like my dad was but I ain't built like that. Plus, there's still a possibility that the baby could be mines— I hope.


I was watching tutorials on how to make neck bones(turkey necks. Lol we call em neck bones down here) and boudins. It's like ever since I've been pregnant I've been craving real southern cooking and today the menu read: collard greens, neck bones, corn bread, boudins, and apple pie.

Once finished I was satisfied with myself. I smirked and pulled out my phone. "One for the snap!" I said recording "Ya know ya girl had to fuck it up one time. How to keep ya man 101. Ladies take notes." I put my phone away and smiled, satisfied with myself. Like, I really felt like I just accomplished some shit.
"Babe!" I yelled, he didn't answer so I called his phone. I wasn't about to climb those stairs.

"Hello?" He answered
"I know you heard me calling you nigga! Come eat!" I hung up, not waiting for an answer. I smiled. I just wanted to start a argument with B. And him being the hot head he is, was sure to fall for it. Before I could go make my plate. I got a text from a weird number.

I know you're secret ..
                              7:06 PM

I looked at my phone with wide eyes what the hell?

What secret?
•••••••••••• delivered 7:13

This baby will die too...

"Baby I—" I jumped at the sound of Bun's voice and placed a hand over my heart. "Baby you alright?"
"Yeah" I responded dryly. I no longer had a appetite, instead I just walked upstairs to take a shower.

I undressed and looked at my reflection in the long body mirror, frowning at my belly. Somedays i loved my bump and couldn't wait to meet the bundle of joy inside me, other days I wished I'd never been pregnant. Today was one of those days. Sometimes I wish I would have gotten an abortion. Then me and Bun wouldn't be going through the constant up and downs. I shook my evil thoughts away and stepped in the shower.

I stood under the water with my eyes closed, depression invading my heart and mind. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I sighed, I didn't realise how much I needed to be held.
"Everything's going to be okay" B whispered in my ear. Tears started to escape, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I started to think about the text from the unknown sender. Should I tell Bun what's going on?

.. No, then he'd never forgive me. "This baby will die too." Those words spooked me. I cried harder. Bun turned me around facing him and hugged me tighter. It felt so good to be in his arms. We stood there for about 10 minutes until the water started to get cold.

I layed in the bed next to Bun, staring at the ceiling. I looked over to see Bun drifting off to sleep. I climbed on top of him and wrapped my arms around his torso.
"Baby" I whispered in his ear
"We really need to talk about something important."
"In the morning Nel" he whined.
"Alright." I kissed his cheek and rolled back on my side of the bed.

Of all the things I did. I just know this is going to break Bun's heart. Tears covered my pillow. I can't take hiding anything else from him anymore! If I lose him, so be it. But I have to do this. I can't hold it in any more! The guilt was draining me.



What y'all think Chanel done did now? 😩

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