When The Lights Go Down

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I eased out the bathroom slowly and grabbed my cell phone for light. I looked at all the dead bodies surrounding our bedroom floor. I covered my mouth and tried to keep my mind on one thing. Getting me and Bun up out of here.. ALIVE. I opened the bedroom door and looked around making sure the coast was clear. Once clear I ran up stairs, quickly putting in the Code to open the library room. I scanned the room with my phone light making sure the coast was clear. Once confirmed, I began opening different drawers. Till BINGO! Found it. I did a little victory dance until I heard footsteps.

"I think I saw her come up here"
That's when it hit me. Damnit! I forgot to lock the door when I came in!


Niggas was coming at me left and right. Only the moonlight shining through the windows was giving me justice because other than that. I couldn't see jack squat. I only could sense movement, I now see how blind people feel. When you lose one sense, the other instantly becomes stronger. But those googles would really come in handy right now. Come on Chanel .. I need you.

I ran to the kitchen and searched for the flashlight. I found one and attempted to turn it on. Fuck! No batteries! Soon as I opened the drawer where the batteries were, I felt a cold piece of metal against my head.
"Wassam wih' it pat'na?" I knew that voice... Ace .


Damn. Damn. Damn what Ima do! I hid under the table and seen two pair of black timberlands. Shit. I cursed myself.
"Come out, come out wherever you are" I heard one laugh.
"We don't bite" the other voice said

I clutched the gun B gave me close to my body. They walked around the room.
"You know. This shit nice. Y'all really out did yourselves on this house." They snickered.
"Yeah, think there's any money up here?"

I have two choices. Pop out and take a chance. Or wait till their backs are turned and make a run for it.

Fuck it. I shot at the desk lamp. Making a distraction. They looked to their left and I got from under the table. Shooting one in the leg and the other in the back.

Ahh! You BITCH! He yelled

He looked at me with begging eyes and literally pissed himself! I laughed. "Who's the real bitch?" I said aiming the gun at him. "Go to hell" I pulled the trigger ending them. I grabbed the googles and went to find Bun.


"Ace? What you doing man. We brothers!"
He laughed hysterically "brothers? Really? HOW SWAY!" He laughed "You came up and forget all about your 'brother'. So don't give me that shit."

"You want this money? You wanna take over? Get it Ace! I don't want it! You see what this shit done did to me bruh. Tore my fucking family apart! You, Boogie, and Nel was all the family I had left and look at what happened!"

Ace shook his head, "nah, you was just sloppy. I'll always be better than you nig — AUGH!"
Blood splattered, spilling from Ace's mouth onto me. I looked up confused. As if on cue, the lights turned back on. What the fuck? I see Mario holding the gun. Ace looked too, he started walking towards Mario slowly like a zombie. Mario spilled multiple bullets from his gun killing Ace. No later, Chanel ran in.
"Baby, you alright?" She looked from me, to Ace's dead body, to Mario with wide eyes.

"Yeah I'm good" I said

She ignored my whole existence and took slow steps toward Mario. I raised an eyebrow the hell going on?

"Mario?" She sobbed "is that really you?"

He stared at her blankly. She smiled "Mario, its me. Your sister."

They pulled each other into a tight hug. What?! Chanel never told me anything about a brother!


Hey My babies ! 😊

So Ace is dead! 😩 but who's really sad? His evil ass 😩😩

Mario finally found his sister after years of being in and out of foster care! 😢 awe! But who would've thought it was Chanel! Wow!

More to come very soon!

Vote & comment! 😘

P.S. I didn't edit so if there's any mistakes. Sorry. I'm too lazy to go back right now 😣👌🏾

Loyalty Before RoyaltyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora