Falling Star

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*here you go again!!!! If you read this from the start first of all THANK YOU! ❤❤❤❤ second you might want to check las chapter since I've changed a few things , try yo enjoy!! And don't forget to review*


What have I done !? Why did I let her go!!!??? I didn't pretend to be her date! It was the whole way round, I use Haffner excuse to be her date! And now I've ruined everything, plus I've hurt Lisbon, I knew this will happen! I cant date Lisbon, no matter how much I want too because that will put her in a terrible danger. And know I've hurt her and I have to shut it out because Red John could notice.

'What you've done to her Jane!!!!???' I can hear Grace shouting from behind and walking towards me.

'Grace, listen to me' I ask but Grace slaps me in the face, not hard but as a warning.

'You know you mean EVERYTHING to her and you USED her!!! You knew how much pain it will bring to her if she found out!! And she did Jane!! And now you Son of a b**** are just standing here waiting for everything to magically fix!! I know she means a Lot to you jane!! So why are you here and not with her!!!' Grace shouts at me enraged, I can understand her frustration but she needs to understand me.

'Grace, you know I wouldn't hurt Lisbon on purpose, I was selfish and I ruined it, I try, I tried to find a way to be near her and I've ruined it because of my selfless. I cant fix it Grace, no matter how hard I want too, I could risk her'

'What do you mean Jane!? She is crying in the garden!!! And what you expect me to do!! Its Lisbon!! You broke her Jane!! I don't know why you did it! But i want you to fix this!'

'Grace, please listen to me' it breaks my heart to know that Lisbon is crying and because of my fault, I want with all my soul to support her and hug her but I need to control myself in order to protect her.

'Im listening'

'If Red John knows I have feelings for Lisbon, she....' I cant finish the sentence but just by looking at Grace expression I can tell she knows what follows.

'So why did you came with her in the first place Jane?! You gave her fake hope!' Grace voice is becoming a little bit sweeter.

'Because I was trying to find a way to be near her! Red John and many other men want her! And I came with her so I could protect her, I never thought I will be the one who hurt her!'

'Jane, do you really think Red John doesn't know how much you care for Lisbon? Everyone knows it Jane.

I'm not asking you to marry her, but I want you to go and fix things, I want you to explain her everything, she deserves the truth, plus, isn't the best way to protect her being with her?' Grace looks at me directly in the eye, she is being serious, but she is right, I cant leave things this way with Lisbon, I need her too much for that.

I hug Grace and propose myself to find Lisbon and clear things up.

Im walking towards the crowd when I feel a hand in my shoulder, not the best time to be distracted, I turn around to see Haffner staring at me.

'I've heard you pissed her off' he teases at me, I don't like his games.

'Stay away from her' I reply seriously.

'She wont stay with you Patrick, is to easy to take her away from you, I almost did it once and I can do it a second time' Haffner threats, I know he has something for Lisbon, and definitely not the good kind of thing.

'Except for the almost' I smirk and walk away, I can feel his anger behind me, I really don't care right now, I need to find my princess, I need to find her before he does.

I check the back yard , the bathroom, the lobby, the dance floor, she is no where, where could she be? I can see that Haffner havent find her either, that's good, but that also mean i have less time to find her.

Lisbon doesn't like to cry, and definitely not in public so she is in a place where no one can find her, but she also like to feel safe and she didn't brought her gun so.. BINGO!!

I mislead Haffner and walk outside the building, I try calling her but she doesn't answer.

I walk toward the parking lot when I see her under the moonlight crying, she is sitting in the floor hugging her knees, lying beside my car.

There she is, my angry little princess is crying. I've never seen her so weak, so sensible, so fragile. But now there she is, sobbing like a falling star and is because of my fault.

* sooo? Thing are starting to become interesting!! Please vote/ review!! I dont know whatever it comes to your mind!!! Thank you for reading thiiis*** .

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