fake star

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**** okay maybe this chapter is kind of boring, but its just a way to the other one, and unfortunately that was the best spot to stop... please dont judge lisbon , she is just under alcohol effects, and you will understand later!!!... please please review review vote vote!!!***



'Jane! I'm so glad you finally came! We've been what? Years? Waiting for you?!' I see how Bertram, my boss, stretches his hand, Jane just replies with a smile.

'They told me this year I'm getting an award for being such a vital factor for the CBI' he says serious to Bertram poking my rib, I can't help but let out a chuckle in order to hold back my laughter. What words, phrases and images are crossing Bertram's head right now, I've been there so I know how he is feeling and that REALLY makes me laugh, I could just punch Jane in the nose but he cants, he will look really bad in front of our sponsors, I'm sure Jane is taking advantage on that.

'What's so funny Teresa?' I hear someone say from behind; the three of us turn around, Haffner.

'Haffner!!! Such a pleasure to see you hear too! I think is the first time in years everyone from the CBI is here!' Bertram cheers, never leaving his "big boss mood".

'Hey Bertram (stretching his hand), I'm actually glad they've decided to invite me although I don't work anymore at the CBI' he says looking at me in a strange way, like if I was a piece of food, IS HE FLIRTING WITH ME!!? 'I wouldn't miss this for anything' he complements, never stops looking at me, and... Is he looking at my boobs!?, I look at Jane trying to find help in that blue eyes, but he is just lost in his thoughts analyzing Haffner in every possible way.

'Well, I'll leave you guys alone, I've gotta go welcome our sponsors, have a great night' Bertrams finally says just nodding his head and walking away, the three of us nod back.

'I think I'm going to get some drinks, will you like to join me?' He says to both of us, although I know it was meant for me.

'No thanks, we've gotta meet Cho and Rigsby, but see you around' Jane replies in a firm voice, I've never seen him this way before.

'Jane, Teresa' Haffner smoothes my name and walks away.

'I don't like how this guy looks at you' Jane states serious, still analyzing Haffner as he loses into the crowd.

'Tell me about it...'

'Lisbon, I'm serious, I don't want you near Haffner I dont like the way he sees you an he is a Red John suspect ' Jane says holding my shoulders and looking directly into my eyes, what? Why so overprotective? I'm not her girlfriend or something, why is he acting like this?; But god he is so damn close to me, my heart beat Is raising, again this thing, TERESA LISBON, you don't like Patrick Jane so stop acting like it.

'Lisbon are you listening to me!? If he comes, you go.. Clear!?' He is kind of ordering me, but im sure he has a god reason for it, though Haffner have always been a nice guy and... Jane softly shakes me bringing me back to earth and leaving my thoughts behind.

'Okay Jane' I say looking into his deep, blue eyes, I can see worry in them, but there is something more, what is that? I've never seen this in Jane eyes before, or I have never notice.

'Come one princess, let's get you something to drink' Jane says leading the way with his hand. He is always such a gentleman, or well, most of the time.

We arrive to the bar, Jane asks for a daiquiri and I ask for a mojito, I love that this year CBI have decided to include tropical drinks; I was really getting bored of tequila.

We both drink our drinks in silence, and then Jane asks for a second round.

'Jane? Thank you for coming...' I say, I know he don't know this, well he probably does, but if it wasn't for him I will be sitting in a table, alone, holding my pain.

'Whenever you want, just tell me, next time I can pretend to be your husband!' Jane smirks; pretend, that means this wasn't for real, he just had pity on me and he asked me out. I ask for a 4 round now, im never this much drunker but who really cares!?.

'Hey Lisbon, I don't think this is a good idea' Jane sweetly says.

'Why did you came Jane?' I ask a little bit enraged that he is pretending to be my date, just because he knew i was here alone.

'I knew you were going to come, and that Haffner will be here, he asked Grace if you where coming... I wanted to have a clear view on him, now I have it'

'So you pretended to be my date' I say drinking more mojito, I don't know why but this really hurts me.

Jane sees how i emphasize on the word pretend and pity appears on his face.

'Lisbon, come on, don't take it that way' Jane sighs, still talking at me in a sweetly mood, why he makes things a lot harder!?

'In what way Jane!!? You just used me! You know, I could have just come and sit here all night, lonely giving pity to everyone, instead of being used you to have a better look on Haffner, you could have ask Jane, just ask me to be a part of your plan, instead o pretending to be my date, that would have been less painful ( i feel tears in my eyes) You know what, you already got what you wanted, You can go home Jane' I say, my pain can clearly notice on my voice, i stand up before tears start coming out fiercely.

***i told you it was boring!! anyway thank you for spending your time reading this!! feel free to revie!! PWEAAAAASE!!! thank you!! yes thank you! the one that reviewed and voted!!! ****

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