Chapter 5- Forgotten And Remembered

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Today was such an long day. I went to lunch, left the campus, got a new notebook and went back to my dorm. When I opened the door with my key, I looked at the other side of the room where my roommate is supposed to be, but it remained empty. I sighed and closed the door shut while I threw my bag onto my bed. I jumped on and layer their for a second. I feel so sleepy, so I decided I should take a nap, I put on the timer on my clock. Set it to an hour, so I can cook myself some food or get some and fell asleep.

Click. I heard from outside my room. I opened my eyes and see that it's still daylight but has been one hour. I look around and still no roommate. But I heard the click again, and I think it's coming from the door. I stayed frozen on my bed and starred at the door. I realized I was still the same position from sitting up, my leg down from the bed and my other leg up on the bed.

My hair was all over my face and I continue to stare at the door, now I'm a little scared. Maybe my new roommate or something, I don't know. Then the door knob was moving but the door failed to open, I can also hear muttered cursing on the other side of the door, then finally the door flung open. A figure fell in and screamed while I screamed to. I jumped off my bed and hid behind it, at the same time that I peeked to see who it is. It was a boy, his hair was cut short and he looked tall and thin. Wait, but I noticed his unusual clothing, is it...?

The boy stood up before I even knew it and looked the room still shocked, he suddenly looked down at me and tilted his head while I hid like a coward. Who the hell is he? His Hazel eyes starred at me for a moment when he said a little cute hello.

I sighed in relief and thought that this boy doesn't mean no harm. I stand up and walked around my bed and slowly went in front of him. I put my hand out and said, "Hi, I'm Emily Macchio, you must be my roommate...?" I waited for his name when he laughed real hard and I looked at him confused. What's so funny? Do I say something wrong? I don't know why but I think his laugh was cute but I still didn't get what he was laughing about.

"I'm Mica..." He replied after taking a huge breath from all that laughing and some snorting but he still continued to laugh. Wait, he's Mica? The boy I helped earlier. Did he get a haircut or something? His hair was just so curly but now it's short and straight? His did that happen?

"Um, okay..." That only came out of my moth. Finally Mica stopped laughing, which wasn't even all that funny, and he sat on the empty white sheet bed and he looked around, especially looking at my side if the room. Ugh, I hate how it looks. This dorm only had one bedroom, which I have to share to this doofus, and one small kitchen and small living room. Also two bathrooms, one for boy and for a girl.

I opened my book and started reading when Mica stood up and walked over to my desk next to me. He picked up something and I looked, the doll was in his hands and he looked at it with a confused look.

"Where did you get this?" He said, showing me the doll and now looking at my eyes. I started back at him and starred at the doll, then at him then at the doll.

"Um, I don't know...its been my mine since I was little." I replied. He looked even more hurt. Was this doll of somebody he knew? I'm confused more than him.

"So, you don't remember where you got this?" He asked, still starring at me, his tone of his voice sounded a little disappointment and upset. What happened to his mood a minute ago?

I shook my head slowly and mouthed no. That's when he put the doll back and took his key from his pocket and left the dorm. He just left me here sitting on my bed starring at the door to see if he's coming back.

But he didn't. I feel even more confused than ever, I had question popping out in my head. Who's really is Mica? Why did he freak out like that and did he know about my doll? I decided I should follow him and talk to him. Even though I don't really know this kid, I still wanna know what's wrong with him.

I grab my key off my desk and my purse off the door knob then went out the dorm room. I walked out of the dorm building and left the campus. Then, I ended up in the London city, with all people crowding and walking. There's no way I'll ever find him.

Since he left to where ever he is, I decided to find a cafe and get coffee. I found a nearby one and got a iced coffee. I payed the lady behind the counter and left the place where I went across the street where it had a huge park.

I sat down on a bench and sipped on my coffee. I cursed under my breath when I realized I forgot my book at the dorm. I wouldn't really call my dorm 'home'.

A gust of wind blew my hair forward and I looked up, glanced over a tree and felt a cold breeze all of a sudden. The sky became grey and I knew it might going to rain. But the view of the park seemed familiar. I feel like I had been here before. What's with these feelings today, thinking I've seen and been somewhere in my life.

I finished my coffee and tossed it out at the nearest trash bin when I walked back to the same bench and figure out where am I. I look around and see the tree behind the bench when I noticed there were carvings on them. I get up and looked through the carvings. Some of them say,

"Mica And Emily" or "I'll Miss You Emily"

And that's when I freak out a little. Mica Was I the Emily and was this the Mica I just met? I get my hand off the tree bark and stepped back when I hit something behind me. I gasped in shock and spun around. Seeing a tall person with straight short brown hair and hazel eyes starring into my eyes. It was Mica.

"Oh my gosh! Don't scare me! What are you doing here?" I snapped. Mica starred at me with shock and nervously smiled. I waited for a reply when Mica sadly looked behind me.

"So, do you remember me now?" He ask slowly. I was still confused and crossed my arms when I looked behind me and ask,


"You don't, do you?" He said. I shook my head in confusion. That's when he took my arm and pulling me to the tree with the carvings.

"It was nineteen ninety three. We had a really bad snowstorm and I was inside my house. And that's when I saw you standing in front of this tree. I saved you and brought you inside my house. Then you called your grandmother to send someone to pick you up and that's the last time I saw you." He said, crossing his arms and looking down at the ground. I try to figure out when did this all happen.

The more I thought about it, the more I remember. I was ten years old the time my mom left me there by myself for a couple of hours. And little Mica saved me from the snow storm, why did I forget that? It's been so long, but Mica remembered.

"I'm so sorry I didn't regonize you. It's been so long." I said quietly. I feel guilty and that had made him sad. But I couldn't believe what I just did right now. I walked up to him and hugged him. I could feel his reaction, his heart was beating so much and his arms weren't hugging back. I though, was this a bad idea to hug him? Then seconds later, he slowly put his arms around me, his nose kinda sniffing. Is he crying?


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