Chapter 2- Goodbye

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"What's her name?" A young girl voice echoed at my ears.

"I...don't know." A boy said. Somebody gasped.

"Oh my gosh, what happen?" A older woman ask. Three voices spoke at once but before I realized it, my eyes were open and I was somewhere warm and darker than the snowstorm. The voices stopped and I stood up, feeling my head when I eyed three people standing beside of the couch I was lying on.

The two of them smiled at me but the boy...the boy didn't, he looked shy and blushed. I slowly look around the room, I was in some living room, but it was cozy. The older lady came closer to me.

"Hi, are you feeling okay?" She asked. I starred at her brown eyes, her hair was brown and shirt and she was the prettiest woman I had ever seen. I look at a young little girl, she looks like she's five or something but she had long brown hair, same color as the lady. Then I stare at the boy, the boy who saved me. I can't tell if he's my age but he's taller than me, but his eyes are different, they were hazel.

"Yeah, I'm feeling okay." I quietly spoke. The little girl gasped.

"She spoke!" She said excitedly.

"Oh, shush." Said the woman. She grabbed a white tea cup and held it in front of me, she told me it was tea and I took the cup. I take a sip without closing my eyes but still starring at the boy. I need to thank him.

"What's your name, sweetie?" The lady asked. I gulped in my tea and replied.

"Emily..." I said. She nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Emily, oh and this is Yasmine and Mica." She pointed to the two kids. I smiled and waved. Yasmine waved back and ran upstairs and the boy waved shyly but kept standing there. I see that I still have the scarf so I quickly took it off and handed it to him. All of this silence was pretty awkward though. He shook his hand and said, "Keep it."

I looked at him and back down at the scarf so I rolled it up and held it tight to my stomach. "Oh, and my name is Joannie Penniman." She mentioned. I smirked and continue to drink my tea when Mica asked. "What's your last name?"

"Macchio." I replied. He smiled lightly and sat down at the edge of the sofa. I pulled my legs in, leaving more space for him to sit. He brought himself over and played with his hands shyly. That's when I noticed he had a yellow sweater with blue strips and skinny blue sweat pants, he also had Santa socks and a necklace full of candy on them. He seems like a very creative kid to wear something so colorful and...unusual?

"Do you like it?" He asked when I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Like what?" I ask dumbly. He smiled and said, "My candy necklace."

I nodded and starred at them. He then reached for a blue candy on the necklace and gave me one. I love blue so I accepted the piece of candy and nibbled on them, then threw the whole thing inside my mouth. Yasmine came running downstairs and had a Barbie doll. Well, she had two.

"Here. You can keep this one, it has your coat and pants, and your hair color." She said happily when she held it front of me to take. I take the Barbie doll and studied it. It did look like me, I wonder if she made this clothing.

"My big sister Paloma made it two years ago, she gave it to me and I knew that it looked just like you so I want you to have it..." She said. I smiled and gave her a hug, then I saw her stick her tongue at Mica and he rolled his eyes. She walked away and Mrs Penniman came out of the other room and gave me chicken soup. I thanked her and she nodded then walked away, leaving me and Mica alone.

We sat in silence as I finished up the soup and remembered I can call my grandmother and tell my cousin, Luis to come get me.

"Hey Mica, do you have a phone?" I ask. He looked at me with those hazel cute puppy eyes, for some reason he looked sad and nodded.

"It's over there in the kitchen next to the door back there." He pointed to the room where Yasmine ran into. I thanked him and made my way to the kitchen. I pick up the phone and dialed my grandmothers number, then she answered it.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice came in through the line.

"Hi, grandma..." I said tiredly. She gasped in the other line and said hello and asked how I'm doing. "Good, um...I'm in somebody's house right now and send Luis to come and get me." I said.

"Why? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just my mother left me outside at some park for two hours and a boy just took me here in his house so I just want to let you know and stay at your house for a while since my mother left me." I explained.

"Okay, I'll send Luis down there...where are you exactly?" She chuckled.

"I'm in...hold on." I said and covered the phone with my hand. I walked to the entrance of the kitchen and said, "What address is this?" Mica looked up from the Tele. He told me the address and I passed it on to my grandma.

"Okay, Luis! Come over here!" She yelled from the other line. Luis voice came through the phone and I told where I'm at. He said he's on his way and I thanks to him at the same time I thanked God I'm going home.

I walked at the living room and see Mica still on the couch, his elbow on the handle side and his head on his hand. I sat down next to him and watched the Tele. We were still quiet when Mrs Penniman walked in.

"Do you know your parents phone number?" She asked, scratching her head.

"I already called my grandmother, she said my cousin is going to pick me up." I replied. She nodded and walked to the kitchen. I looked at Mica and his eyes looked at mine.

"Thanks for the phone...and saving me." I said. He bit his lower lip and smiled. He was playing with his hands and starred down at his feet. I really want know about him, where's his dad? What school does he go to? What age is he? I didn't asked though, maybe I won't even see him again. Suddenly the doorbell rang and me and Mica jumped. Mica went to get the door and greeted someone. I grabbed the doll and the scarf and went behind Mica. Luis!

I jumped on Luis and hugged him. He hugged me back and let go. "Come on, we got to go. Is freezing." He shivered and grabbed my hand. He thanked Mrs Penniman and Mica. Mica said goodbye to me and Yasmine while I waved back, jumped into Luis black car at the back and he tuned it on. They were still at the doorway and seeing me as the car drove right away. Their house started disappearing as Luis got further down the road. Goodbye Mica.


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