Day 13: The Infected

Start from the beginning

I walked into the empty room and quietly closed the door behind me. "Jake?" I asked as I started forward. I heard the sound of a guitar and I looked in the corner to find Jake strumming it.
"Oh Iris, oh Iris. Here is this song for you, to start off our lunch date." I started laughing at how silly this was.
"That was awful!" Jake said laughing at himself.
"No, no, no. It was beautiful... and funny. Where'd you get the guitar?" I asked, trying to contain some laughter.
"At the Chapel. It was either this or the electric organ, this was lighter." Jake replied before he walked to the middle of the room and gestured to the floor. "Picnic?"
"Of course!" I said as I noticed a blanket on the ground and food laying on top. "So what's on the menu?" I asked as we both sat down.
Jake picked up to brown packages and looked at them. "We have a fine assortment of dehydrated meals. I hear the Vegetarian Taco Pasta is heavenly, we also have some dried fruit. Oh and we also have some Astronaut Ice Cream."
I gasped at the thought of ice cream. "You spared no expense!" Jake chuckled as my eyes wandered over to the acoustic guitar that Jake placed on the blanket. I haven't played in so long I'm afraid I might've forgotten some notes.
Jake must've noticed my staring because he grabbed the guitar and handed it to me. "I-I didn't say I played."
Jake scoffed at me. "I could tell you do, plus you were strumming your fingers on your leg." I looked down and of course he was right. I stopped moving my fingers across my leg and put them on the guitar.
"I haven't played in a while so I might be rusty, and I've only played for my family so don't laugh." I took in a deep breath and placed my fingers in position.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Jake said before I began to play. I strummed a few times, trying to remember the feel of what it's like. "Can I watch?" Jake asked.
"Close your eyes." I replied a little self consciously. I strummed the notes to one of my favorite songs as Jake closed his eyes and put his chin against his chest.
When I got up the courage I started to sing.

"I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue.
I could stay awake for days if that's what you want. Be your number one.

I can fake a smile.
I can force a laugh.
I can dance and play the part of that's what you ask. Give you all I am.

I can do it.
I can do it.
I can do it.

But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down.
I'm only human, and I crash and I break down.

Your words in my head, knife in my heart.
You build me up but then I fall apart.
I'm only human."

With my silky voice, I held the last note for a few seconds causing Jake to start clapping. "That was beaut-"He was suddenly cut off by the door opening and Quentin and Katie running in.
"Rey took Britney and Mary! He tried taking me but I wouldn't go."
"What?" I asked shocked.
"People are breaking out." Katie said. Jake and I jumped up immediately, I went with Katie and Quentin while Jake stayed to put on his gear.

Katie and I made sure that Quentin was safe in the hospital before us and Jake went out searching for Rey, Britney, and Mary. The three of us were walking down a sidewalk when dozens of people started parading down the street in front of us with weapons. Chaos.... The world is going to chaos....
I heard the sound of an engine and saw a man on a motorcycle stop in front of us, staring. Even with his face covered, I recognized him as one of the guys from when we went to the baseball field.
Finally the man rode away and Jake turned around taking off his vest. "What's wrong?" I asked as Katie and I both turned and started walking back were we came.
"I'm a moving target. I'm going to circle back, you two stay here and out of sight." Was all Jake said before he disappeared around the corner. Katie and I ducked behind a small indent in the building we were next to.

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