17. "i want to try marijuana"

Start from the beginning

We were silent for a little while before Carter spoke up.

"I can't believe I'm skipping school." He said. "I've never done this before."

I nodded my head. "Well I guess you can cross this off your bucket list." I responded.

He sighed and then turned towards me. "You're friends with Jacob, right?" He asked suddenly.

I nodded my head. "Ever since like third grade, why?" I asked him.

He looked away for a second before turning back to me. "He's a drug dealer also, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head, furrowing my eyebrows.

He looked away and thought for a second. He then looked over at me. "I want to try marijuana." He stated.

My eyes popped out of my head as I stared at him in surprise. "I don't know..." I said. "Skipping school is one thing, but drugs..."

He scoffed. "Don't act like you don't do it."

"I'm not, but I don't think you should..."

He gave me a sad look. "But I want to..."

I sighed and was about to say something when he gave me a sad look. "Please..." He silently begged.

I stared at him for a second before groaning. I rubbed my eyes before speaking. "Fine." He smiled and clapped his hands together. "I have some pot in my room. Let's go upstairs." I said hesitantly.

He hopped off the couch and busted up the stairs before I could even stand up.


"Okay, now breathe in." I said, to which he did. "And breathe-" he started coughing before I could finish my sentence. "You can't take too much in, you have to remember to breathe." I said to him.

He nodded his head. "Let me try again." He said, a look of determination in his eyes.

I handed the roll back over to him. He placed it in his pointer finger and thumb before bringing it up to his lips. He placed the bud between his lips again and slowly breathed in. He then exhaled but started coughing halfway through.

I took the blunt from him and patted his back.

He closed his eyes and sat back.

"It doesn't always work for everyone the first time, so don't be shocked if it doesn't work." I said to which he responded with a nod of his head.


"Woah!" Carter exclaimed as he threw his arms and legs up in the air. "I'm like a rocketship..." He mumbled as he started to move his legs and arms back and forth.

Carter was currently lying on my bedroom floor on his back. I told him that not everyone gets high their first try, apparently he did.

I chuckled as I stared down at him from my bed. "Yeah?" I questioned, finding his current state amusing.

He nodded his head as he outstretched his fingers. "They're like worms." He whispered.

I smiled. "Cool buddy."

He looked over at me and smiled widely. He let his legs and arms fall back to the floor, making a loud thud. "Come here." He said as he motioned me over.

I smiled as I stood up off the bed. "What?" I asked as I approached him.

He reached his hand up to me. I grabbed it with mine, to suddenly be pulled down to the floor. "Lay down with me." He said to which I chuckled.

"I guess I don't really have a choice."

He giggled. I positioned my body to where I was lying on my back and facing the ceiling, just like him.

We were quiet for a few moments before he cut through the silence. "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" He asked.

I thought for a moment before realizing that I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I shrugged my shoulders. "I honesty have no idea." I said. "It sorta runs in the family. My mom didn't know what to do with her life so she became a secretary at a law firm. My dad didn't know what to do with his life so he became a criminal. I don't know what to do with my life so... I don't know."

Carter was silent for a few seconds. For a moment I thought he had fallen asleep until he finally spoke. "What did your dad do to end up in prison?"

I tensed at the question. I hate talking about him. He's not a very happy or interesting topic. Just mentioning him brings back bad memories. "I don't want to talk about it..." I trailed off. "What about you?"

He giggled slightly and turned towards me. "My dad's not in prison, silly." He said and then punched my arm. "He's just a jerk."

I smiled slightly as I turned my head to face him. I sorta forgot Carter was high for a second back there. "I meant, what do you want to do with your future?" He closed his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder.

He yawned before speaking. "My parents want me to take over their business."

I rolled my eyes. "I know what they want, but what do you want?" I asked him.

"I want..." He trailed off. I thought he had fallen asleep again but when I looked down at him his eyes were wide open. He was staring off in the distance, thinking. "I don't know what I want." He mumbled after a few seconds.

I chuckled. "But you're Carter and you seem to have everything figured out." I joked.

He slowly sat up. "Except I don't." He said suddenly. "I don't have anything figured out. I've been controlled by my parents my whole life. All I know is what they want. I don't know anything I want... I don't even know who I am." He quietly said.

"Wow... You're pretty deep when you're high." I said, just as quietly as he had spoken.

He shook his head. "I'm not deep. I'm also not high."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I questioned.

"I'm not high." He repeated. "I wasn't actually high. It was all an act... Just like everything else in my life. It's all an act."

I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by him.

"I act like my parents love me, they don't. I act like I love school, I don't. I act like everything's fine, it's not. I act like I'm happy, I'm not. I act like my personal driver is my grandfather because I'm ashamed of people finding out that I'm a little sissy that can't fight his... O-own..." He tried to finish speaking but broke into sobs.

Tears started streaming down his face as I sat up and pulled him into my arms. He moved his head to where it was in the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears falling off his face and onto my collarbone and shirt, but ignored it as I held him.

He cried for several minutes before quieting down and slowly falling asleep.

He was almost asleep when he spoke one last sentence.

"I hate my life."


Hey my Narnians'!!!

So, this chapter was a bit emotional. I hope you all cried. Wow, that sounded really messed up...

Also, sorry it took me so long to update but I've been super busy. Hanging out with friends (sorry but this is a necessity in my life, if I don't hang out with at least one person a week I start having really sad thoughts and I hate it). School is starting back up soon (sadly), so doing stuff to prepare for that. I'm going on my annual Maryland trip in two days with a few friends.

So yeah...

And I made this chapter a bit longer since its been like a week and a half since I last updated, plus it's going to be REALLY difficult for me to update this next week (but I will definitely try).

Anyway... I hope you all enjoyed and wish me luck in Maryland!




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