Welcome to Fairy Tail

Start from the beginning

"What's going on down here?!," barks a girl with red hair walking into view on the second story, she walks downstairs, a very scary aura surrounds her. She has armor on and has a very stern look in her eye, she looks a little older than I am. I shrink behind the boy with salmon hair, not wanting her aggression to go towards me.

"I found this girl outside crying, she said her mom left her," he says and steps aside revealing my slightly shaking figure, I stand straight, please don't hurt me, scary red haired girl.

"Oh?," the girl walks over and I shake even more, her magic, it's so powerful, I can sense it. "What's your name?" she asks her voice becoming gentler.

"Angelina Liligreen," I answer sheepishly, looking down at my toes, she seems kinder now that her voice is gentler.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel!," suddenly announces the salmon-haired boy next to me.

"And I'm Erza," says the red-haired girl with a small smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you both," I smile shyly, these guys seem nice, maybe mommy only dropped me off here to spend the night and meet new friends, yeah that's probably it, since I don't have any friends at home because of Dad. She probably thought I could meet some here, but then, why did she give me this necklace? I carefully look at the charm on the necklace only to see it's the same weird symbol on the building, but with many colors on it.

"Where did you get that?," questions the red head, Erza, also looking at my necklace.

"My mommy put it on me before she left," I frown gently tracing the weird symbol with my thumb.

"Hey! That's the guild mark!" beams the boy lifting his shirt sleeve to reveal the same weird symbol, but in red.

"I wonder where she could have acquired such a necklace," frowns Erza. I cradle the necklace gently to my body, this is the last thing my mom gave me, I'm never going to give it up.

"Children is everything alright down here?" an old man suddenly walks onto the ledge at the top of the stairs with a dark haired boy........IN HIS UNDERWEAR?! The boy seems to be rubbing the sleep from his eyes, oh no I hope I didn't wake him. But, I wish he was wearing more clothes! Quickly I cover my eyes.

"Hey stripper put your clothes on there's someone new!," screams Natsu up at the boy. What's a stripper?

"H-hey I didn't know! AND IM NOT A STRIPPER!," he yells back at Natsu there's ruffling of clothes and two pairs of feet walk down the stairs. "You can look now," I uncover my eyes and the boy is in a pair of black pants and a gray shirt, he's standing a few feet away from me, I study him a little more. He has dark blue hair and navy eyes, he looks so serious.

"Who are you child?," smiles the old man taking my attention off the boy, he looks like a gentle old man, but, he's shorter than I am, much shorter, and his outfit is so funny.

"My name is Angelina Liligreen," I smile at him, the old man's jaw drops.

"Did you say Liligreen?!," he asks shocked, w-what's so wrong with my name that he gets shocked?! Was he one of my Dad's enemies?!

"Y-yes," I hide behind Natsu again scared by his reaction, please don't let him be one of Dad's enemies, he seemed so nice a minute ago.

"Hey what's wrong?," asks Natsu turning to face me, he looks concerned, I wonder why he's suddenly so worried about me, we just met.

"His reaction scared me," I say shyly, pink creeping into my cheeks, great he probably thinks I'm a baby now.

"Something important about her gramps?" questions the dark haired boy a skeptical look in his eyes.

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