Chapter 3

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 "So, Angel," he chuckles," I'm Dylan, and I'll be your interrogator. I sadly wasn't allowed to turn off the lights or hang a lamp over your head but this will be enough."

 I gape at him, he sounded like a nut job who wanted to play detective.

 "How old are you and at what age did the Akuri kidnap you?"

 "20,17. Respectively," I reply, keeping my voice monotonous.

 "Do you remember what happened that time?"

 I close my eyes, focusing. Images float around in my head, images that made me want to cry. 

 "We heard the footsteps, accompanied by growls. Before I knew it, my step-father had grabbed a gun, ushering me and my mother to the basement. My mother was crying, begging him to stay. I cried at the sight of my departing step-father, even though he was sometimes mean to me. I hear gunshots, a growl, then the thing I was dreading, my father's agonized scream. My mother knew they were coming, so she grabbed a sharp bar of metal, telling me to hide as the Akuri appeared. I watched as my mother was murded, the Akurus' claws going through her stomach. I had cried out, and before I knew it, I was at their mercy. The last thing I saw what the body of my father, without the head."

  I shudder as I finished; it hurt me to say those words

 He frowns,"where's your real father, then?"

 "I...I don't know. He left us when I was 13."

 "Do you remember anything when you were in the lab?"

 "N...No, only..." My voice was cut off by a sharp scream of pain. I double over as convulsions racket throughout my body. Each one felt like a stab to my chest. I cry out again, the pain was excruciating. I clutch on the boy beside me, feeling him freeze before circling his arms around me. We stay like that until the pain subsides. 

 "Are you alright?" He asks, titling my face so I could look at him. 

 I nod, not even daring to speak as I attempt to calm my heart. He eyes me dubiously before commanding me to lay down. 

 He taps his arm again, and this time a floating panel appears. He sweeps it over my chest before glancing at me.


 "Nothing..."He murmurs,"try to get some rest, I'll come back for you later."

 I watch as he leaves, before closing my eyes. My hand absentmindedly reached up and clamped on something around my neck. I take it off, and I realize it's a locket. Curious, I open it and was greeted by two photos. The one on the left was easy to recognize; it was a photo of my parents. The one on the right showed an unfamiliar face though. In it were two children, the girl riding the boy's back. I knew the girl was me, but the boy I didn't recognize, with long black hair and unusual green eyes. I yawn, signaling how tired I was, so I close the locket and slip it back over my neck. I push all my worries to the back of my mind and I allow sleep to take over.


Dylan's P.O.V 

 I take the analysis of Angel to my father, but I'm surprised to see Kyle and Raven there. As I tell them about how the investigations, I wonder about her strange behavior to my question. After everyone had read it, dad decided to speak first. 

 "It's no coincidence that she reacted like that, after all, that was the same time the nova crystal was implemented in her body, or so I assume," he says. "So, you're saying that she can't remember anything after the incident?" "That's correct."

 "So, what if we can recollect her memories?" Raven asks. "It could work," my father muses. Random options are thrown out, until Kyle's voice silences us. All eyes are on him, and since he rarely speaks, it must be important. 

 "Those are all logical ideas but think about it; if she has really lost her memories, don't you think it might hurt her instead of helping her?" He pauses, allowing that to sink in before continuing," I propose that we let her figure it out on her own."

 "You do have a point," I turn to to the others,"do you guys agree?" When both said yes, I grin," well then, Raven, I'm leaving you in charge of Angel, any objections?" When nobody said no, I smile,"Great!"



 Phew, another chapter finished. I really hope that you guys will enjoy the book. Anyways, Angel is #751 in science fiction with 50+ views which is a huge achievement for me (lol), and it wouldn't have been possible without your help. Keep on rooting for Angel ;)

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