Chapter 7

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Here's a nice 1000+ worded chapter as a big thank you for getting Angel to a 100 views.


Kayla's P.O.V

   "Kayla, could you stop pacing around like that in my lab, it's distracting!"

   I growl angrily at the blonde,"Could you please just hurry up? I told Angel I'd be there early to help her train."

   Kyle rolls his eyes and turns his attention to the screen, reading the data shown on the blue surface. He lets out a huff of frustration and violently swipes at the 3D hologram, closing it. "So?" I prod.

   He ruffles up his hair, and I notice the dark bags underneath his eyes. I feel a pang of guilt; scientists always had it hard, and Kyle had been up late last night, only for me to disturb his rest early this morning. 

   "I can't pick up anything on the data scan, apart from the fact that when she stabbed the leaves, an extra burst of energy came directly from the nova crystal."

   "Oh," I murmured, feeling disappointed. 

   "If she does have powers, then we'll just have to wait for her to show it."

   "Ok, thanks," I say, opening the door and walking out, but soon I peep back in,"you should probably take a break Kyle, you look awful."

   He chuckles,"I think we all need a break."

  Smiling, I dash outside and straight to the arena. I pause momentarily at the gate to catch my breath, and my gaze sweeps across the area, searching for the white - blond haired girl with my mind. Spotting her underneath the tree I left her at yesterday, I jog over to her, and was about to call out to her when I realize what she is doing. 

   She's doing the same exercise I taught her yesterday, only now she's doing three and an occasional four instead of two, mind you, she still wasn't better than me. 

   " Hiya Angel," I say cheerfully. 

   She whips around suddenly and aggressively lashes out at me. I give a frightened yelp and try to move back, but unfortunately the blade grazes my left upperarm, causing me to fall over. She towers over me now, grinning triumphantly. I return the grin,"I'm gonna make you so sorry you ever did that." "Go ahead then," a hint of a challenge in her voice. 

   I spring up and materialize my katana,"let's have a little competion then. First one to lay ten blows on their opponent wins. Are we clear?"

   "Crystal," she replies, tightening her grip on her daggers. 


   I tap into my mind sight, connecting to the ground beneath me. Despite being blind, once I activate my mind sight, the ground is the like my eyes. 

   She runs towards me, dagger first, but I anticipated that move. I spin on my toes, avoiding the point by an inch. However, she springs up on one leg, and does a backflip, the blade slashing into the flesh of my shoulder. I hiss in pain, I definitely wasn't expecting that kind of rebound. She plants herself a metre away from me, a cocky grin on her face. A rose had just bloomed on my shoulder and I glare at her. Oh she was gonna pay! 

   I charge towards her, my blade moving towards her stomach. She instinctively moves her arms to protect her body. I grin, shifting my arm at the last moment to slice her thigh. A thin crimson ribbon appears where I had slit her leg. She curses and fixes me with a predator's glare. I circle warily around her and she copies me. Neither of us made the first move, each waiting for an opening in the other's defense. I noticed that she was putting more pressure on her good leg, causing her to limp.

   Taking the opportunity, I aim straight for her good leg, but she was quick. She brought down both of her blades, and the sound of digital metal rung throughout the arena. Both of us were pushed apart a couple of feet, the impact of our weapons causing the wounds on my shoulder to bleed even more. In addition to that, there was a long, pink mark on my right forearm. I look at Angel and I see that her leg wound is bleeding more profusely, which meant her mobility was limited. Gripping the hilt of my sword even tighter, I ignore the screams of my muscles and charge straight for her. 

   Blows were exchanged, attempts were blocked, and soon we were both tired, but we were too proud to show it. Despite the feeling to sleep, I was excited. No one had ever stood up to me like this, and I loved how things were turning out. 

   The pain in her leg had taken its toll on my opponent, and as she fought against pain, I slashed at her good leg. She gives a yell and falls on her back. I smile and lean over her, pointing the katana at her stomach. "Game over, Angel," I snicker before driving the point downwards. 

   Then the most amazing thing happened, she flipped over, the blade passing harmlessly between her legs, striking the ground instead of flesh. And then she charges towards me and I run to meet the attack. Our weapons clash, the impact sending both of on our backs. They flew out of our hands and de-materialize. For a moment, both us are stunned, then, I hear laughter. I look at Angel in bewilderment, but her laughter is contagious, and soon I'm laughing too. The challenge is long forgotten by now. Overhead, a light rain begins, but we don't care. We were like care free children at the time, two friends enjoying each others company.

   Once the laughter subsides, we begin to catch our breath. The cool rain soothes my wounds, and washes away the blood. Finally, Angel speaks,"Who won?"

   "I really don't know," I reply, shaking my head,"let's call it a tie."


   Silence ensues, then...

   "You fight pretty well, I mean, for someone who's blind."

   "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself, I totally wasn't expecting that move,"

   I walk over to where she is laying down and I offer her my hand,"Can you walk? We need to get our wounds healed."

   "Yeah," she replies, taking my hand. We put our arms around each other's shoulder and walk away from the arena. 

   Then after a while

   "It's ironic that I'm being led by a blind lady."

   And then, we laughed. 


So did you guys enjoy this chapter? 

Once again, thank you guys so much for getting Angel to 100+ views. 

Im actually writing another book called 'Guardians of Genesis' and if you guys want an early release, then can you get Angel to 200 views and 25 votes. Don't worry though, I'll still release it around mid September in case you guys accuse me of blackmail. 

  I love you my little kittens ♥

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