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  The man is working on a computer, every once in a while glancing at the girl trapped in the glass cylinder. "I'm so sorry, Angel," the man thinks to himself, "but you were strong, and Akumu decided you would be best holder for the nova crystal." The shivers and nervously glances at the Akurus behind him. Akumu, the Akuri king, the one to defeat Eve, and a menacing figure. "She seems to be stable,"the man says nervously. The powerful Akurus walks towards the cylinder and peers through the glass,"all is in place," he says," soon I will wipe the earth of the humans, and out of their ashes, I will build a better world." He smiles, thinking of how glad the rest of the Akuri on his dying planet would feel. The oxygen on his planet was slowly fading, and with it, the Akuri. He wanted nothing more than to save his people, but he could only do so if he got rid of the humans."Thank you for your service Dr.Brown. I was worried that you would betr-" the Akurus words were suddenly cut off by a sudden screech of pain. 

  Dr.Brown looks on in horror as his daughter's body shakes with convulsions, her mouth open as she screams again. "What is going on?"growls Akumu, glaring at the man and sending a look at the girl of pure confusion. The man's fingers fly over the keyboard," It's the nova crystal, it's overreacting. It's too much for her to handle, we need to get it out of her!" Akumu punches the glass, but was blasted back. "It's activated a force field! With the power it's emitting, it could explode!" Dr.Brown yells. "Shut her down, NOW!" Akumu snarls. Dr.Brown hesitates, before pressing a glowing red button. The girl's body jerks once, twice,  then stops moving, her mouth still open in a silent cry for help. 

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