Chapter 2

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  My eyes flutter open to a place I've never seen. My thoughts echo inside my head,"this isn't the holding cell,"they say. True, this wasn't the small cell that had imprisoned me. "So, where am I?"

 My gaze travels across the room, which was painfully white. Apart from a desk and chair and the bed I was lying down on, there was nothing else in it. 

 My limbs are stiff and they ache, so I get up to stretch, only to find that I couldn't. Craning my neck to both sides, I take note of the metal cuffs keeping me linked to the bed. After experimenting, I find out that my feet were in the same dilemma. 

 I hear footsteps, light yet sure ones. Panic rises in me and I struggle with the cuffs. Suddenly, the cuffs open up and fades instantly. Without even pausing to think about what just happened, I open up the door and crashes into a body of flesh and muscle. 

 I look up at the man. He had Chesnut brown hair and the most vivid blue eyes I have ever seen, and looked to be in his early 20s. Without even stopping to marvel at the handsome specimen in front of me, I deal a swift blow to his shin. He lets out a grunt of pain, but by time he gets up, I'm way in front of him, my bare feet pattering along the white tiles. 

 I dash along the corridors. Risking a look behind me, I realize that no one was chasing me. I force myself to slow down, but was immediately tackled from the side. The attacker pushes me to the ground and I hit my head, hard. I snarl and tosses him off me, listening to the wonderful sound of flesh hitting the wall. But victory was short-lived, as a whip coils around my neck. 

 I gasp as it tightens,cutting off my breath. I try pulling it off, but to no avail. I shock of electricity courses through my body as the whip uncoils, leaving me to sink into the welcoming arms of darkness.

 When I wake up, the first thing I notice is the burning sensation in my neck. The second thing I noticed was that I was in the white room again, cuffed to the same bed again. In other words, I was still trapped

A groan escapes my lips. Oh, what I would give for a glass of water. 

 I was beginning to drift off into an uncomfortable rest when I hear the door opens, and in steps in no other than Mr. Blue eyes

 He crosses over to me and holds something in front of my face, water! "I'll give you some water, and you'll give me some answers, deal?" I growl,"how do I know you'll keep your word?" He smiles, and taps his arm. Immediately the cuffs dissapear, allowing me to move again. 

 After drinking three glasses of water, he asks for my name. My name? I close my eyes and focus until a word pops into my head. "My Angel..."

AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora