Chapter 1

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  I  crouch down behind the ridge between two other shadowy figures. "Are you sure this is the place, Kyle?"I ask, eying the silhouette of an abandoned laboratory some metres from us. I see the outline of Kyle's head in the moonlight as he nods,"this is definitely the place where the energy signal is coming from." "It's a good thing we came here during the night, this place is crawling with Akuri!"Exclaims Raven, putting down her infra-red binoculars. "Ok, so remember, we're only here to collect the energy source,"I tell my teammates," if we're spotted, we run first, attack only if necessary." Both of them nod, and like we were given a command, the three of us slide silently down the ridge. 

  We followed Kyle through the laboratory. Surprisingly, even though Raven had spotted Akuri in the lab, we hadn't run into any as yet. We stop in front of a door, where Kyle announced that the energy source should be inside. I step forward and opens the door just a crack and peers through. What I see makes me gasp, and when I show my teammates,they look just as surprised. 

  Suspended by some wires in a glass cylinder, was a girl. None of us speak for a moment, until Raven breaks the silence,"is... is she alive?" I shake my head in confusion, and watches as Kyle activates his VoltCom and begins to scan the girl. "She is, but she's in a coma," he announces, earning sighs of relief from both me and Raven. "But," he continues,"the energy signal is coming from her." "What!?" I exclaim, coming to stand beside him. Cautiously, I reach out and touches the case, and immediately receives an electrical shock. I yelp and immediately jump back,"there's a force field around her!" "I can try shutting it down," Kyle immediately begins tapping on a blue floating panel. Soon the force field deactivates, and the wires begins to detach themselves from her body and the case slowly opens. I rush forward and immediately catches the girl before she can hit the ground, just as an alarm begins to blare over our heads. 

  I curse underneath my breath and yells at my teammates," we need to get out of here!" Both of them nod, and Kyle immediately materializes his sniper and begins shooting at the window. Raven uses her electric whip to pull down one of the support beams to block the door. Once Kyle had made a big enough hole in the window, he signals to me to go. "We'll cover you," he says, smiling. I cradle the girl's limp body in my arms and carefully descends out of the window. Once I'm on the ground, I dash towards the safety of the ridge. I settle down behind it and I catch my breath, but I stop once the girl starts stirring in my arms, before her eyes. For a moment I stare into her silver eyes, but I snap out of my trance once I hear her voice. "Where am I?" She asks in a soft, lilting voice. "Safe," I murmur, smiling. She nods and closes her eyes. 

  When Raven and Kyle arrive, I tell them that the girl has awaken, and that she was probably suffering from fatigue by the way she sounded tired. "We can take her to the base and do a checkup on her," says Raven. "And," continues Kyle,"find out why she is the energy source I've been detecting." I nod in agreement, and, after picking her up again, the three of us sneak off into the night. 

  The base was silent by the time we got back, except for the nightly patrols. We walk on the abandoned streets until I stop in front of a certain building. Wishing my friends a good night, I push open the door and walk down the hallway to another door. "Good, he's awake," I think, noticing the light streaming from underneath it. "Father, I'm home," I announce, opening the door and walking inside. I hear the clanging of metal and his voice calling out,"Ah! Dylan, I'll be with you in a moment." I walk over to the examination bed and lay the girl there, just as my father appears

  "Who is the?" He asks, walking over to her. "I don't know,"I admit,"we just found her in a laboratory when we were tracking an energy signal. Kyle said it was coming from her." He nods, and begins to to tap on his VoltCom. A blue light appears and sweeps over her body a few times before fading. A blue screen appears, and as my father reads the information, his face turns pale. He looks over at me,"were there a lot of Akuri around?"he asks. "Yeah. An alarm went off as soon as we freed her from the case, why?" He remains silent for a while before replying,"because, this girl contains queen Eve's heart, the nova crystal."

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