Am I being mean now?

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Jess's P.O.V.

  I pushed off Ricky only a second too late. The damage was done and Ricky was to blame. My vision was starting to go red. I was torn by wanting to give Ricky a vagina and running off to find my Little Panda.

  I was force to choose the former, when Ricky spun me around and try to punch me in the face. I let all my bottled rage out on him. I don't remember what actually happened, but I remember how he looked when I was done.

  I couldn't recognize his face and he was crumpled in on himself. I was later told that the only reason I didn't kill him, was because both Nathan and Nick both had to pull me off of him.

  It was also about that time that I was told that Amanda was in the hospital. All three of us rushed over to see her, I almost killed another person when I was told that. It was all my fault...

  I barely remember the drie over, but I clearly remember the smell of the cold, sterile, and unforgiving stench of the room. I remember what Amanda looked like hooked up to all those machines, and the bandages that covered her body.

  It was a blur of moments, but I remember the doctor telling us that she had fractured two ribs, her left wrist was broken, and craked the all the bones in her left leg. The only thing that stopped this from sounding super cliche, was the fact that she didn't have much damge to her brain, except a mild concussion, and that she had a 98% chance of recovery.

  It was a week before she awoke. A week full of anxiety and pure fear she wouldn't make it. The name of the guy who did it was, Dean? I think it was like, Dean Wayland or something.

  When I found out she had awoken, I rushed over to the hospital. The first sight I've seen of her awake, in a week. It was nothing like I had imagined, she was just sitting up, looking lost and staring out the window, with her long hair falling gracefully down around her.

  "Amanda?" I called softly. I knew when she stiffened her back, that she heard me.

  "My name is Trickster." She said just as soft. With her that was a bad thing. Everything about her was loud. Her hair, her personality, her voice, her attitude, everything.

  "Will you let me explain what happened?" I asked, knowing that she would understand.

  "No, I think I figured it out, while I was in my mind palace. Ricky always told me I would regret leaving him. And he used you to hurt me. All I want to know from you, is to know if he made you, or if you wanted to kiss him." She said softly.

  After I told her that he made me, she had a dismissal air to her. She seemed so sad there, making me wonder what actually happened to her.


(It's been a week)

  When Trickster got back to school, Ricky was also let out of the hospital. According to the rumors, she made him pay dearly. It was another couple days before we hung out again, but she seemed different. She was more possesive, as if she thought everyone wanted to steal me from her.

  "Jess? Did you hear me?" She said softly. Ever since she got out, she wasn't loud. She was quiet, and it terrified everyone.

  "No, I'm sorry. What is it?" I said. I had certain privileges, being her girlfriend.

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