The Dark Truth

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Jess watched as Amanda collapsed to the ground, screaming something that sounded a bit like, don't do this. Jess tried to think of what she said to cause this as she tried to soothe her.

  Melanie's Song! It must of reminded her of Ricky attacking her!  

It took an hour before Jess could calm Amanda down. Even after that Amanda just looked at the surface of the lake, looking at Jess every once in a while.

  "I'm sorry for ruining the mood. Certain things just trigger flashbacks..." Amanda trailed off after a bit. "Certain songs or words, or even moments can trigger them." She whispered sadly.

  "S'okay. I completly understand. No matter what people say, I'm not as cold and frigid as people say. Though, everyone has a story, care to share?" Amanda replied just as quiet.

  It was what seemedlike an eternity before she answered back.

  "When Me and Ricky were together, I thought he was so sweet and charming. He would open doors for me, take me on dates, and one time he mad dinner for both of us..." Amanda whispered. For a second, Jess thought she was going to stop.

  "But... A-" She stopped seeming to freeze, before a steely determination took over her gaze. Still refusing to look at Jess, Amanda continued. "After, about a month? I wanna say. He seemed to chyange. He became more possesive, more aggresive, and EXTREMELY more jealous. He stopped me from talking to all my friends, who were guys. Except Nathan. I refused to leave him, he was and still is my best friend. I can tell him everything..." SHe trailed off again with a slight smile on her face, before her eyes became haunted.

  "Anyways. At first that seem to sate him. BUt after he caught me hugging good-bye he went beserk. I walked into his place and them I'm on the gronud with my face throbbing. He was so angry and I didn't understand why." She said quietly.

  "Why didn't you fight back? I've seen you wipe the mat with a lot of the bigger guys in school." Jess asked, honestly curious why this bad-ass girl allowed that.

  "I did. I gave him a black eye and a chipped tooth before he wrapped his hands around my throat. I couldn't get free..." She whispered. Tears were swimming in her eyes as she reached towards her throat. "After about a minute of fighting I blacked out. The last thing I remember was him whispering that I belonged to him. When I woke up I was lying in my own bed." Amanda continued.

  Jess remembered when Amanda started wearing hoodies. She used to wear cute and adorable things like tanktops, and baggy T-Shirts.

  "When I went to confront him, I was a little smarter and did it where there was lots of people. He apologized profusely, I was naive and stupid enough to believe him. Of course, that only lasted two or three weeks before..." Amanda trailed off. Auddenly she stood up and ran towards the lake. Confused Jess followed her, and was drenched when Amanda jumped into the water.

  "Jump in! You're already soaked!" Amanda called out. Jess laughed and jumped in. They splashed around before Jess's phone went off. 

  "SHIT!" Jess yelled. At Amanda's confused she quickly explained. "That alarm means school is over!"

  "So? I don't have anything. Nathan had to go on a date and I didn't tell my parents, so they won't be expecting me to come home till like, 10:00." Amanda explained. Jess quickly relaxed. She didn't go home that often either.

  "Ok, cool... so wanna finish your story?" Jess asked carefully, but quickly.

  Amnda sighed then lifted herself onto the banks.

  "Where did I leave off? Oh, yeah..." 

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