Not Sure How To Feel...

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Amanda's P.O.V.

A feeling of shock and admiration washed over Amanda. No one had ever stood up to Ricky when he brawled with her. Everyone knew that Amanda and Ricky dated once upon a time and was still bitter that she caught him cheating.

  "I don't think flirting with the tree would work. It might turn him down like we both did." Amanda remarked to Jessica. No one mentioned it, but most people knew that Ricky was pissed that Jessica has turned him down 3 times.

  Jessica smiled at Amanda's words and winked. Amanda knew she had something planned and was willing to go with what she wanted for this. Anything to piss Ricky off.

  "True. Do you think it would piss him off more if he found out that we're lesbian lovers?" She smirked. It took everything in Amanda not to laugh at the absurd notion, but she rolled along with it.

  "Probably. He has always been an egotistical jack ass." Amanda responded with a flirty smile. Pulling pranks for so long had turned her into a beautiful actress.

  Ricky was fuming. His face was red, and you could practically see the smoke pouring from his ears. Before anyone could open their mouths Ricky did the unthinkable.

  He grabbed Amanda's face and smashed their lips together, forcing his younger through Amanda's clamped lips.

  Amanda's reaction was immediate. She grabbed his shoulders and put all her strength into kneeing him in the balls. He bit her lips as he fell and was attacked by a furious Trickster.

  "I. Do. Not. Belong. To. You. You. Sick. Perv." Amanda punctuated each word with a kick to his stomach or face.

  No one had ever seen Amanda explode into violence before, so by the time Jessica pulled her away the whole hallway was silent. Not even the teachers said anything.

  Jessica pulled her to the bathroom, probably knowing that her words meant so much more than they seemed. No one knew any details about their relationship, but Jessica could tell that by the tears streaming down Amanda's face and how she was hyperventilating, that it must have been bad.

  "Shh. It's ok. He can't touch you now." Jessica whispered to her as she wiped her tears away from her face.

  Amanda tried to push away, but Jessica held on tightly to her. Eventually Amanda's harsh sobs quieted to soft whimpers of pain.

  When Amanda looked up, Jessica saw the bruises forming on her face where Ricky's fingers had been.

  "Jess... I'm sorry you had to see that." Amanda whispered. Jessica saw her blush and could tells jay this embarrassed her.

  Why did this have to happen in front of her? And why did I have to call her Jess!! Ugh, she probably thinks I'm weak now.

  Amanda stood up and washed her face. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her concealer. This wasn't the first time Ricky had left bruises on her before. When they had been together he was very abusive.

  The only reason he hadn't killed her when they broke up is, because she had done it publicly.

  Amanda's hands were shacking as she applied the makeup. One look at Jess was all it took to tell the other girl to keep this quiet.

  She only hoped that no one had noticed her break down. Having anyone ask if her if she was ok would probably kill her.

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