A ceremonial collaring

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High, stood the moon amidst the dark canvas of night. Gleaming bright upon the sandstone house. Through the open balcony door a gentle breezes waves in. Caressing their faces with much-needed cold.
'My dearest, you know what tonight is.'
The man says composed.
Her lips form a smile never before seen. She nods happilly.
'Please take place on the rug.'
He holds his hand out to the side of the room, where a soft rug stands with a light directly above.
Step by step she moves towards it and faces him.
He places a small black pillow at her feet.

'Kneel please, Kitten.'
She pulls up her dress, revealing her knees and sits down on them.
Knowing the place she's taken she keeps her head down.
The man strokes her cheek and her hair, petting her as he would a cat.
She leans into his hand, purring as she does. Her smile can simply not be contained!
She's overjoyed! It's a dream come true, in all reality. To finally, officially be owned.

'My dearest Kitten Kitsune,

What we are about to embark upon is a commitment. One i make for a lifetime.

I have initiated our collaring ceremony.'

His words come slowly, placing attention to every single one. All is quiet. She sits before him dutiful as ever. She takes out an apple and holds it out to him with both hands.
He looks at it and then at her, placing his hand on her cheek whilst looking in her eyes as she's looked up at him in offering.
A smile marks his face and he takes the apple, slowly bringing it to his lips.

She watches intently. She had offered him the fruit of life, to give it is to offer the person life.
It was partly by his request, because she had given him true life. She had given him meaning, had given him aspirations for his dreams. She had started the process for him to be a true dominant.

That is what the apple resembled to him. In the same gesture she just performed. She had given him life. He bit, much to her delight and tore off a piece of the sweet fruit. He held it out to her and she held it in both hands. Looking up at him and biting a sizable chunk out as well.

The circle had been completed. She placed it down beside her and retained her submissive position.
He proceeded to take out a dagger.

'I will show my willingness to shed my blood for you, to give my life for your protection.'
She looks up and takes his hand, stopping him from making a cut.

'Sir... please... don't hurt yourself... I know you're willing to bleed for me. No matter how much it scares you, i know you're willing to. Don't hurt yourself, you're too precious...'
She pleads, as if he's going to drain liters of his own blood.

He looks at her.
'You know I'm afraid to bleed, i need to prove that I'm willing to do it for you.'
'I know you are, Sir.'
She smiles and takes the dagger from him, placing it beside her with the apple.

'Very well then, Kitten.'
He strokes her hair again, her sweetness never ceases to amaze him.

'Then let me bring to you my vows.'
He continues, she hadn't prepared any. Since to her she was the recipient of this ceremony. She would accept his collar but she already knew that he knew why she wanted it, and what it meant.

'Thank you, for coming into My life and wanting to be My kitten.

I promise to protect you, to take you under My wing.
I promise to always put your best interests priority in My dominance over you.

I promise to cherrish this gift that you give to Me, the gift of your submission.
I promise to care for you and take care of you always.

I will always care for your health, happiness and well-being.

From this day on you will belong to Me as you already have.
You will truly be My kitten, My property.

You belonging to Me, which makes you a part of Me. A part of who i am.

We share a destiny together, and with this collar we will announce that destiny. So that all may know of our fate.

I understand the responsibilities that this ceremony entails, the responsibilities placed on me due to this. I am unafraid, i intend to take action to be as best a Master i can be for you, as best a lover I can be for you.

It will not always be easy, you will find days where you will come to be saddened by the responsibilities you have towards me, there will be days where you wish you hadn't come into My service. Where it will become too much.
There will also be days where the responsibility of my domination over you becomes difficult for Me. We will pass many trials and tribulations, as well as many pleasant and blissful experiences.

Will you accept My collar that I offer you? As a symbol of our commitment and our togetherness. Will you accept to be My property, My possession and place your trust in My capable hands to care for you?'

The man takes out a small chest, taking out a small bourdeau ribbon linked by chainmail rings, in the centre rests the sign of infinity, symbolizing their eternal bond.

'I accept Your collar, Sir. I accept to be Yours from this day and for the rest of my days.'

He walks around her and she carefully lifts her hair. He fastens the chainmail linked ribbon around her neck and makes a big bow at the end. Standing before her again.
'I am Your property, and You are my priority.'

Her smile... That lovely smile... She kept her head down while he strokes her cheek, cupping her cheek.
'Please rise, My kitten.'
He says calm, overjoyed as he returns the smile to her.

She stands up and wraps her arms around him tight. Kissing him ever so passionatly.
A tear forms in the corner of his eye.
'My kitten...' He thinks.
'MY ... kitten.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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