Paint the Town Red (Teen!Moriary X Teen!Reader)

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Hey guys, if you couldn't tell, this one is REALLY REALLY long! and so, if you want a hint about what this about look at the media!

Now look back at me. Loo at the media again, and back at me. And because the third times a charm, look at he media one last time and then back at me!

Alright, enough goofing off... Its time for the one shot!

(Also, this one shot is not based off of a song, I just used it in a transition!)


Word count: 4,112


You sighed angrily, wanting to throw your phone into the road because your ride was late. (Y/BF) was late to pick you up... Again. She was always running late and this time it was unacceptable. You had to study for a huge test tomorrow that you COULD NOT fail. And so ever second you waited here, was a second of studying wasted.

You leaned against the brick wall of the outside of your school and helplessly waited... Some people were still here because they used the library, but most had left because they had their own cars and could drive on their own. Yes, you had a car and you could drive, but you didn't need to drive because (Y/BF) drove you. But she had to leave before school ended for whatever reason and she was still gone. And your parents were off on vacation because of their anniversary so there was no point in calling them...

Ugh... where the heck did she go? She didn't live far from the school, so what the heck was the problem?

"Your ride running late doll?" A voice asked from behind you and when you turned to look you were surprised to see James Moriarty with the rest of his gang, he was the bad boy of the school that every girl on the planet seemed to swoon over. Yes, even you.  And everyone also saw him as 'The King of the School.' That was his second title and you couldn't help but find it true. Everyone liked him and they had reason too. He was complete perfection, so how could you not like him?

Him and his perfect dark ebony hair and big brown eyes... Ugh, there was nothing wrong with him. You couldn't find one fault in him. I mean honestly, he was the most beautiful guy in the face of this earth, he was super smart, funny, charming, witty... there was NOTHING wrong with the boy. He was literally perfect and it made you really upset.

"Yeah. As a matter of fact she is running late." You replied coolly, putting a hand on your hip as he straightened out his sleek, black leather jacket.

"Well I could always give you a ride." He said with a sly wink and his friends chuckled behind him.

"And what happens if I say no?" You ask, tilting your head to the side ever so slightly. You wanted to challenge him, maybe scare him a bit. You were positive he had never been rejected before and this could be the first time. And his friends looked at you with a bit of shock hidden in their eyes, they seemed more surprised than James did. Hm... maybe this had happened before... Probably...

"Well that would be quite the shame (Y/N)..." He replied, looking at you with a small smirk as he took a step forward with his hands buried in his pockets. "But something tells me you wont say no."

God, he's a fox... (I'm not sorry XD)

"Oh really?" You challenge, raising a brow and bringing your other hand to your hip to give off a confidence in your stance.

"Oh yeah." He said with that same smirk. "And if you do say no, you'll be missing out."

Maybe he was right... No. you had to study for this test...

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