"So of you excuse me, I got to go" she said walking passed my shoulders.

I am left there smiling to myself, she talked to me, meaning I am making progress.

After that talk to Lauren, Jarvis and I went back inside my house. I took a shower and changed into some black denim jeans, blue plaid shirt and my blazer jacket, I wore my dr. Martens and I am good to go.

Charlie said that a band is going to record an album to my recording studio and I told him to go to my office first because I want to visit my studio.

He agreed and drove his own car.

I hopped on my black Porsche and start my engine and drive.

*skip drive*

I arrived at the studio and parked my car. I turned off the engine and get out of the car, I wore my raybans and walked towards the entrance. When I entered the studio, all the employees greeted me, I greeted them back with a smile and I entered the elevator and pushed the 2 button.

I reached the studio where the band is supposed to record and I was surprised when I saw Dinah, Ally and Normani sitting on the couc, so they are the band that Charlie was talking about, how come he didn't tell me about this?

Dinah saw me and she grinned.

"Y/N!" She said and she stood up and hugged me. Ally and Normani looked at me and they also smiled.

"Long time no see" Dinah said as she pulled away, then suddenly she punched me hard on the arm.

"Ouch! What was for?" I asked her.

"That was for leaving without letting us know where are you going" she said.

"Hey at least I'm back" I said whining and they chuckled. Normani and Ally gave me a brief hug.

"What brings you here Y/N?" Ally asked.

"Wait I am not allowed here in my own studio?" I asked and they gasped.

"This is yours?" Ally asked

"Uh huh" I said.

"Wow! This is so cool" Normani said.

"Where is Lauren and Camila anyway?" I asked them.

"Well they are recording their solos for our new album" Dinah said.

"Well that's great, is Keaton still bothering Lauren?" I asked them.

"No not anymore" Normani said

"Thank God" I said

"But Bradley is on the picture now" Dinah said and my jaw dropped.

"What?! Who's that?" I asked them.

"A certain curly head boy with no upper lip" Dinah said and pointed behind me, of course I don't want to spoil my surprise that I can already see.

"Oh, I forgot that you are blind! Dang it!" Dinah said and I just chuckled.

I looked back and I saw a curly head boy, wearing a black shirt and a black skinny jeans and a black boots, standing there, then he walked his way towards us with an uncertain smile on his face like he was hesitating to approach.

"Hey guys" he greeted.

"Hey Bradley" Dinah greeted with a fake smile, same as Normani, well Ally smiled at him brightly, she was a ball of sunshine after all.

"So how's the recording going guys?" He asked.

"It was fine, simpson" Dinah said and the boy just nodded his head. He stared at me.

"Hi I'm Brad" he introduced himself and he offered his hand for a handshake.

"She's blind brad" Dinah said and the boy flinch.

"Y/N" I said and shook his hand and applied unnecessary pressure, the three girls jaw dropped when I shook his hand maybe wondering how did I knew that he was offering his hand. Now I saw him as a competition, a threat.

Brad quickly pulled his hand and massage it.

"N-nice t-to meet you Y/N" he said pain was visible in his features, Dinah and Normani smirked. Ally gave me a look of disapproval. I just smiled.

Then the producer called the three girls inside the recording both because they are going to record their harmonies.

Only Brad and I was left inside the room, an awkward silence filled the room.

Brad was texting on his phone and I cleared his throat, he looked up at me.

"Bradley, Lauren is my friend, bestfriend to be exact" I started and when I said bestfriend, it seems like it doesn't feel right.

"And I want you to be honest with me, tell me the truth, and only the truth, if you tell lies.... You're dead, am I clear?" I asked him with a threatening voice.

I saw him gulped but he nodded.

"What do you feel about Lauren? Tell me the truth or your dead" I said in a venomous tone.

"T-to be honest, I-I I-I d-don't l-like her" he said stuttering.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"I said I don't like her like that way, maybe I like her as a friend but being in a relationship with her I don't feel like it, it doesn't seem right, I only see her as a friend" he said without stuttering this time.

"Really? But how come you are dating her right now?" I asked in wonder.

"Well because of the thing they called management, they forced us to do this, they said that it was a good idea to promote our music together if we dated, and we couldn't say no because we will lose our careers if we don't do it and I know Lauren doesn't feel the same way because she have her eyes on a certain someone, I don't know who but I know she likes someone so the feeling was mutual that we don't like each other as more than friends" he said. I was so happy when I heard that Brad doesn't like Lauren in that way, they are just forced by the management to date each other, it must've been hard for them.

"Well that was so messed up" I told him.

"Messed up indeed" he agreed.

"But may I ask a question?" He asked.

"You're already asking but shoot" I told him.

"Do you like Lauren?" He asked and I was caught off guard by his question.

"N-no" I denied and Brad looked at me unconvinced.

"Huh? But why did you apply unnecessary pressure when you shook my hand, you almost crushed it" he said.

"Well like I said I am her Bestfriend and I am just protecting her and I thought you're a jerk, no offense though" I explained.

"None taken" he said but he seems unconvinced by my explanation.

"Okay, even I am not convinced I will accept your explanation" he said with his unconvinced facial expression.

"So truce?" He asked me then smiled offered his close fist, I stared at it for a while, then he slapped his forehead.

"Oh I forgot that you're blind" he said. I smiled at him and bumped his fist.

"Truce" I told him, he was not a bad guy after all. (I made Brad as a good guy here because I am tired of him being a douchebag in stories.)


Hope you enjoy the chapter.
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