That Woozy Feeling

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Hi guys. I would really like to say a massive thank you to you all for putting up with the massive wait for this chapter. I got to say that I'm really busy at the minute so I apologise not bringing a chapter as fast as id like to and I know you lot would too, so please put up with me and the chapters will all be good enough (hopefully). Just again - much love!!!! Keep reading and voting and commenting- any idea would be awesome too!!!!

Me and Ziva made our way with the coffee into the bullpen. I delivered Tony and McGee their coffees and Ziva placed a cup on Gibbs' empty desk.
"Where is Gibbs?" Ziva asked as she took as sip.
"The Boss got sent up to the Director - so who knows what could be happening." DiNozzo replied.
"What do you think could be happening Agent DiNozzo?" Director Sheppard asked.

I chuckled as Tony tried and failed to splutter out an answer that wasn't an innuendo, until Gibbs slapped him on the back of the head.
"Let's get back to work. Thanks for the coffee, Ziva. Are the kidnappers in interrogation yet?" Gibbs demanded.
"Yeah boss, they just arrived." Tony replied - glancing up at the director with a nervous smile which she did not reciprocate.
"Hey, Tony? What happened with the John Doe case from the other day?" I asked DiNozzo. He looked up and smiled.
"Your idea worked and we found out who he was, nice going there Probie. Turns out he had a really messy divorce from his wife and she lost custody of their children. She killed him to get her kids back. Well, it didn't go quite to plan for her." He replied. I nodded in silence - amazed that she thought that was the way to get her kids back. Some people were really that desperate to go to any lengths for their children.
"Bluinto, McGee you're with me - I want you in observation while I have another chat with these morons. DiNozzo I want you to follow up on David Ricktan, he knows something - I know it. Ziva, wrap up the paperwork for that John Doe case and then come down to interrogation." Gibbs ordered us and then marched off. A chorus of "yes boss." Were heard and me and McGee were off to interrogation.

Gibbs couldn't get anything coherent off the two kidnappers and it put him in a particularly bad mood. The pain in my shoulder had intensified to the point I had to take some painkillers, but the problem was they made me a little bit dopey.

"Boss - David Ricktan isn't all he seems." DiNozzo stated as he entered from the elevator.
"What do you mean, Tony?" Ziva asked.
"Mr Ricktan used to be in the same sort of business as our very own Blue." DiNozzo replied.
"DiNozzo, if you dont explain yourself in the next thirty seconds, you're going to wish you didn't have a head for me to slap." Gibbs stated, finally looking up from the paperwork I had finished to Tony's face.
"Oh snap, you're in for it now!" I called to Tony, earning a disapproving look from Gibbs. I quickly shut my mouth, hoping the drugs wouldn't cause another outburst.
"Twenty three seconds DiNozzo." Gibbs stated.
"Boss, David Ricktan used to work for MI6." DiNozzo explained quickly.
"Was he an agent or not?" Gibbs asked frustratedly.
"Uh, I don't know." Tony replied and from the look on Gibbs' face, he quickly added, "yet." Gibbs nodded and turned to me.

"What have you taken?" He asked me.
"Some errrr, some codeine for the pain." I replied, the room spinning slightly. I must have stumbled because McGee jumped up and took my arm, leading me down to a chair.
"McGee I am fine, I just - woah - there's three of you McGee." I chuckled. Gibbs worried took out his phone and put it up to his ear.
"How many tablets did you take Blue?" Ziva asked, her voice laced with concern.
"Just one, honestly." I replied.
"Is it your shoulder that hurts?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said putting my hand up to it and withdrawing my hand covered in blood.
"Oh God, your stitches must have ripped." Tony stated, darting towards me.
"Ducky and Palmer are on the way." Gibbs called before picking up the Codeine packet. "She has only had one, there's only one missing."
"Yeah, it's in my digestive system round about now - Gibbs I don't feel so good." I replied holding my stomach. Gibbs picked up his waste basket and gave me it.
"Get it all out, kid. You're coming home with me tonight." Gibbs said, soothingly rubbing my back.
"I think I'll be the judge of that, Jethro." Ducky called, gliding into the squadroom followed by a very worried looking Palmer.
"I think we ought to get you down to autopsy, m'dear. It will be easy to work down there." Ducky stated.
"Why? Am I going to die, Duck? No need to move the body then?" I laughed, but nobody seemed to find my dark humour funny under the circumstances.
"Timothy and Anthony, could you two please help Eleanor down to autopsy and try not to move her left arm - it'll cause her a lot of discomfort." Ducky asked. He left to the stairs followed by Palmer and a worried Gibbs.

"Now just lay down and let the numbness take over." Palmer ordered.
"That's what I do every day, Jimmy." I replied, not looking at him but admiring the cleanliness of the ceiling. Palmer decided not to acknowledge my awkward reply.

"There we are my dear. All stitched up. You may go home with Jethro." Ducky allowed. "No taking any codeine - I fear you may be allergic to it, so only over the counter medication until we can get to the doctors."
"Thanks Duck. C'mon kid, let's get you to a bed." Gibbs ordered, lifting me up easily. To say I was a little dazed from the anaesthetic was the under statement of the century. I felt like I didn't even own my body.
"Is she going to come out of this, Ducky?" Gibbs asked, indicating my loopy state.
"Don't worry, she'll be fine in no time. She just needs rest." Ducky replied, patting my cheek and chuckling. I laughed along with him - having no idea why they were talking about.

Gibbs placed me in the passenger side of his car and ran around to the drivers side. By the time he had gotten in and settled, I was asleep.

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