The Diner

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"Eleanor! Are you awake?" I heard Ducky call to me. I hadn't slept very well but I had rested enough to not be so moody. I can safely say I wasn't a morning person.
"Yes Ducky, just give me a sec to get ready." I replied, wincing as I pushed myself up - my wound stretching the stitches a little. I quickly got dressed into an off white long sleeved shirt and grey jeans, torn at the knees. I brushed my hair and headed out of the room as I caught a glimpse of the guitar. Deciding I would play it later, I headed down to Ducky.

"There you are, are you hungry?" Ducky asked placing scrambled eggs in front of me.
"Yes, thank you." I replied, picking up a fork and digging in.
"Mother will be down soon, so eat up and we can get out before she wakes up." Ducky stated. I finished my food and took mine and Ducky's plate to the sink to wash up.
"I need to change the dressings on your wound." Ducky said. I finished cleaning and sat back down. He took out his kit and I took my shirt off so he could change the bandage. Ducky got to work and I took the opportunity to ask him some questions.
"Ducky, what happened with the case?" I asked him, knowing he would evade the question on Gibbs' orders, but it was worth a try.
"Which one m'dear?" He asked absentmindedly.
"I think you know which one." I replied, catching his attention. Ducky paused and looked down at me.
"You know I can't discuss that." He stated, with a slight warning tone, I knew not to pushing further. A small awkward silence proceeded us.
"I'm sorry I brought it up, but you have to realise how frustrating being kept in the dark is." I told Ducky, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"I forgive you, but you have to know Jethro will tell you when you're good and ready to learn the truth. For now, just be thankful you are part of this crazy, wonderful family."
"I am, don't worry Ducky, thanks." I replied.

The drive to NCIS was quiet and I couldn't help but notice Ducky - who was known to be a chatter box - was eerily silent. I decided not to bring it up as he may have been upset by my questioning earlier.

We entered the orange squadroom to Gibbs and his team - my team. I was part of it now, just as Ducky had said.
"Morning all." Ducky called out cheerfully, followed by the team's synchronised responses.
"See you soon!" I called to Ducky, to which he turned and gave a small wave and smile.
"How'd it go with Ducky's mother?" Tony asked with a smirk.
"Well she liked me as soon as I started with the piano." I replied, coping his smirk.
"You play the piano? You're just full of surprises aren't you?" Tony replied, with a shocked look on his face. I smirked as Gibbs answered his phone.
"Yeah sure, be right up Director." Gibbs stated before putting his phone down. He then turned to face us.
"DiNozzo, Bluinto, you two aren't paid to chat, I want you to fill her in on her case DiNozzo - officially she can work certain parts of it - unofficially she can work all of it. Ziva, get that psycho pair back into interrogation. McGee, Abby needs you down in her lab." He ordered and then marched to the director's office.
"I didn't know I was paid." I murmured, earning a chuckle from DiNozzo.
"You are now." Ziva replied.
"Finally, I get to know what's actually going on." I stated.

Tony filled me into my case, Ziva joined in once she had organised for my kidnappers to be brought back to NCIS for questioning.

My kidnappers were paid by one of the higher ups in MI6 to 'torture and dispose of me'. The Mills' just got in the way. They were never part of a plan. The money the three of us had sent to the bank account in England was to keep my location a secret, but it didn't work, the team hadn't found out who we'd sent the money to so were hoping I would remember soon. That was all they really had and the case was officially at a stand still as they didn't know who had ordered my removal. I could see Ziva wanted to ask me a question, but she was holding back.
"Ziva, wanna go get some coffee?" I asked, hoping that if we were alone she wouldn't be afraid to ask.
"Of course, Blue, Tony would you like anything?" She asked.
"Er, just a mocha, for a change, thanks." He replied, with a small smile at Ziva. There was definitely
something going on between the two of them. I wondered if Gibbs knew. I wanted to ask Ziva about it, but thought it could wait.

We headed down to a little diner just away from NCIS headquarters. Ziva told me it was Gibbs' favourite place for coffee and convenient that it was so close to NCIS.
"Blue, do you have any extended family - it's just, I know you have no next of kin?" Ziva asked me.
"No I don't think so, I guess I'm alone." I replied turning to face her.
"You're not alone when you're part of the team. Gibbs watches over us, obsessively." She replied with a grin.
"How long have you worked with Gibbs?" I asked Ziva, who smiled before replying.
"Not so long, two years, but he is like a father to me, to all of us. He will be to you." It was my turn to smile.
"I don't know, he isn't an easy fellow to read." I stated.
"Trust me, he cares." Ziva replied, ending the conversation. And with it ended and the coffee bought, we headed back to gift our team mates with much needed caffeine.

The Blue Guitar (NCIS fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin