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*Four days later*

I awoke with a start, for the third time that day. I kept trying to stay awake - much to the doctor's dismay, he was adamant I wasn't ready to be released, stating I need more rest and recuperation. I was trying to stay awake just in case Gibbs visited me. But he hadn't, yet. I was broken from my thoughts by the entry of Ducky.
"Ah, Eleanor, how're you feeling today?" He asked with a small smile.
"Ducky, I feel so much better, I just need to get up and at 'em." I replied with a grin.
"You were shot, Blue, I can understand the Dr's reluctance. Although, it is clear that you heal rapidly, as I have said in the past." He replied, replicating my grin.
"Please say something to them to get them to let me go. They might listen to you." I requested him.
"I'll see what I can do." He replied before coming over and planting a caring kiss on my forehead.
"Thanks Ducky." I replied. He left to talk to Dr 'Something or other' and I was again left alone with my thoughts until a bundle of black came shooting into the room.

Fear took me over momentarily until I realised I was not being kidnapped yet again, it was Abby. She very nearly jumped on me to pull me into a painful, suffocating hug.
"Abby.... I need... Air...." I squeezed out
"Oh! Sorry!!" She replied with a sheepish grin. She released me from her death grip and I chuckled.
"How're you?" She asked.
"Fine, just want to get up, Ducky is talking to the Drs for me." I replied. Abby smiled, "you know you probably shouldn't leave. Gibbs-"
"I know Gibbs wouldn't be happy, but it's my body and I know when it's alright and when it isn't." I cut her off, immediately feeling bad as Abby looked taken aback. "Sorry Abby, I didn't mean to do that."
"No, you're right Blue. You know what Gibbs is like though." She replied with a grin. I chuckled - I certainly knew. Ducky came back into the room.
"If all is well, they have agreed to release you into MY care this evening." Ducky stated. I wanted to jump up and hug him, but a smile and small 'thanks' had to suffice as I was hooked up to beeping and buzzing machines.
"Can we go now?" I asked Ducky who had taken a seat opposite Abby.
"I just need to check some things and then, yes, you can go." A doctor stated as he entered the room. "I'm Dr Hick, is it alright if you two wait just outside please?" He asked Ducky and Abby.

They made their exit leaving me alone with Dr Hick. He was very tall and had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His face seemed somewhat mischievous, he smiled at me. I'd been staring at him while he was checking my pulse and blood pressure and - well - all the other tests he had done.
"You seem in relatively good health, I'll allow your discharge to go through as long as you stay with Dr Mallard for the rest of the week. We got a deal?" He asked.
"Yes, that's fair." I replied with a grin. "Thank you."

Dr Hick left and Ducky re-entered the room.
"Where's Abby?" I asked.
"Gibbs called her away, they have a new case." He stated.
"Shouldn't you be going too?" I asked, knowing Palmer was still at NCIS.
"No, Mr Palmer can take the reins on this one, we will have to go in to check up on him, but on Doctors orders, you'll be doing no work." Ducky stated with a stern look, he really meant it. I nodded, accepting defeat - for now.
"Come on then, home time." Ducky said with a grin. I left to the bathroom after having taken all the needles and sticky things off me and got changed into some clothes that I can only assume DiNozzo left from Gibbs. Gibbs hadn't come to see me once in hospital, I guess it was his way of showing me how in the wrong I was to have out myself in there.

Once out of the hospital, we made it to Ducky's car, a beautiful vintage Morgan, it was very low but I got myself in with relative ease. My arm was strapped up to my shoulder for the lowest amount of movement possible.
"We're going straight to NCIS." Ducky said after checking a text on his phone. "Mr Palmer is a little nervous to be on his own." I nodded and immediately felt anxiety course through my body. Going to NCIS meant one thing. Time to see Gibbs.

The photo at the top is of Ducky's Morgan. Stunning car that I'd love to have. Thanks for all the support guys!!!! As always, much love for voting and commenting, I love to know you're there!!! Any ideas, don't hesitate to put forward!!! Peace out <3

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