A Strange Affair

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Gibbs and I left the lift into a bright orange room. The biggest area had five desks, three on one side and two on the other. An empty desk sat between two desks with men typing away at computers. On the other side, there was a woman on the phone, looking very frustrated with whoever she was talking to.

I stalled at the elevator, I don't know what made me nervous, I felt like I was being introduced to a family - but it wasn't like that, was it?
"Hey, you OK?" Asked Gibbs after he saw my face.
"Yeah, I'm... Im fine." I replied. He nodded and headed towards the desk next to the woman. I took a deep breath and followed him.
"OK, listen up, this is Ellie Bluinto, you all can call her Blue. She is going to be with us for a while, she works for MI6 so don't go treating her like she is a civilian, she knows her stuff." Gibbs told the team. I saw one man lean over to the other and whisper something, either Gibbs didn't see it or ignored it, I guessed it was the latter. The woman strode up to me and held her hand out. "I'm Ziva David, nice to meet you." I took her hand and smiled, "I'm Blue." I replied. She moved back to her desk and I looked over at the men, the one stood on my left was a little chubbier than the other, he looked a little like a geek. The other man looked like more suave. He stepped up first,
"I am very special agent Anthony Dinozzo, just call me Tony." He said with a smile. The other man followed suit, a little more reserved, "Special agent Timothy McGee, just Tim." He said.
"Nice to meet you Tony, just Tim." I replied and caught a hint of a smirk on Gibbs' face.
"You'll fit right in." Remarked Ziva. I felt a little better after meeting them, they seemed quite nice. Gibbs was already up from his desk and headed to the elevator we came from autopsy in, he turned just before he pressed the button and called to me, "come on!" I ran to get into the elevator before the doors closed.
"Where are we going, Gibbs?"
"To meet Abby." He replied.
"And... Who's Abby?"
"You'll see." Gibbs said, which didn't make me feel so excited.

We left the elevator to blaring music, some sort of heavy metal, it wasn't my favourite sort of music. As we entered the room, no it was a lab, a young woman with jet black hair in pig tails turned to greet us.
"Gibbs! And unknown female I don't recognise. What can I do for ya?"
"Abby, meet Blue, she is from England and gonna be with us for a while." Gibbs told the woman. I thought Abby looked like a goth and from her music taste, that assumption seemed valid.
"Abbs, I need you to take her fingerprints and run them to find out a little more information on her." He continued.
"Why? Doesn't she know who she is?" Asked Abby with a smirk.
"I don't know everything, to be honest, Abby and it is quite frustrating." I chipped in. Abby turned to look at me and held her hand out for my hand. I smiled as I gave it over. Gibbs left as Abby took my prints and set to running them through the database. He returned as Abby got a match, my picture turned up onto the computer screen.
"OK, Eleanor (Ellie) Bluinto, code name Blue. MI6 Intelligence Officer, age 18 - wait how can you only be 18? You have to be 21 to join MI6." Abby stated looking both shocked and impressed.
"My guess is as good as yours Abby." I replied, feeling slightly shocked myself.
"Keep going Abbs. We'll figure that out later." Gibbs ordered.
"Oh OK, so it also says: you're from England but no specific place and then just medical stuff, no next of kin or anything like that." Finished Abby, she turned to look at me, "that isn't a lot of information, what do you know then maybe I can start building your profile up?"
"Good idea, Abbs." Complimented Gibbs.
"Right. I know I am from Wakefield in Yorkshire. I know my name, now I know my age. I already knew my job, can't you just get hold of MI6 and tell them you've found me?" I asked Gibbs, frustratedly.
"No, we have reason to believe this could be an inside job and we don't want them knowing you are alive, that's why we put you in the ME's truck." Replied Gibbs. Something about what he said made my stomach drop and my head go dizzy, I staggered a little bit was caught by Gibbs who steadied me and say me on Abby's stool.
"You OK?" He asked, staring at me intently.
"I am, I just got a little light headed, nothing to worry about. An inside job?" I asked him. He nodded and I heard a voice from behind me.
"Well this is a strange affair."

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