Eliza squealed. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Angelica grinned. "You should've told me!"

Peggy giggled. "It only just happened! I was at his house and he asked me out and I said yes!"

Angelica stared at her seriously. "Did anything... y'know... sexual happen?"

"Of course not! We kissed and held hands and ate ice cream and watched movies," Peggy smiled happily, the memories coming back to her.

"Is he a good kisser?" Eliza asked.

"The best."

"Doesn't his hair get in the way?"

"Not at all! I love his hair."

"I'm glad you're happy," Angelica smiled.


With the exception of Peggy's father, everyone seemed happier with her return. John even ate an egg for dinner, which made all of them happier.

Alexander stayed for dinner, retelling the story of how he annihilated Henry in the case to the Schuyler family and John. He ate well- which he, for as long as the Schuyler family has known him, always has.

Peggy texted Thomas throughout the dinner, smiling at her phone screen. Her father ignored her presence- but everyone did, so it didn't matter. Now, someone knew she was there. She mattered to someone, she was loved and noticed by someone. It was beautiful, and she felt on top of the world.

Eliza💋: New iMessage

Peggy clicked on the notification, confused. She was right there at dinner with her, so why would she text her?

Put your phone away, loser :)

Peggy snorted, covering it as a cough. Her hand flew up to cover her nose and mouth, and she flushed beet red.

"Peggy, do you have something to share?" her father asked, cutting into his steak delicately.

"Uh... of course not!"

"Want to enlighten us on who this Thomas man is?"

Peggy flushed a deeper red as she looked at John and Alexander's shocked faces, and her sister's coy ones. She opened her mouth to speak, when Eliza spoke: "That's the boy she's texting, Daddy. She finally got a boyfriend!"

The steak fell off of her father's fork, and his jaw went slack. "What?"

Peggy rushed her speech, worried he was mad. "It's nothing official, nothing too serious, he just asked me out today-"

"I always thought you were gay!"

"Oh!" Peggy crossed her legs under the table, giving a weak "Surprise!"

"So give me all the information," her father said eagerly. "Do you guys have any classes? Date ideas? Future plans? Secrets?" Peggy smiled, remembering one of the reasons she loved her father. He was willing to be their age again, be their best friend.

"Well, only the music theory course I'm in. But he's taking that for fun. He's in Alexander's class!"

Alexander still was reeling from the news. "I never really liked him," he managed to choke out, his steak suddenly becoming interesting.

"Why not? If he has my Peggy, I'm sure he'a a fine lad."

He needs a little smoothing out, Peggy thought to herself. "He..." Alexander looked to Peggy for support, but she wasn't going to offer any. She was not going to sabotage her relationship, especially seeing how it made John look happier. He was so selfless... he got his happiness when others felt it. Peggy wished she could be like that. "He challenges everything I say in that class!"

Phillip laughed. "It is a law class. You should know there would be debates, Alexander."

"But I'm right! How do you even argue with common sense?!"

Phillip chuckled and shook his head. "Beyond me."

The meal continued with Alexander complaining about Thomas, and Phillip justifying his acts. Peggy couldn't stop smiling.

She began to text John:

I did it! We're a thing!

His response was instantaneous:

Turtle-babe: yeah. nice :)

He makes me really happy, John. Is that okay?

Turtle-babe: yes! alexll need some adjustment time, but i think hell come around :)

Good. :) Have you made a move on him yet?

Turtle-babe: actually...


The white dots appeared, and Peggy sighed, waiting. She really needed the two of them together. Alexander made John so happy, and John made Alexander happy. They were practically a match made in heaven!

Turtle-babe: i told him i loved him last night. HE RETURNED IT! i think im gonna ask him out 2nite. think itll work?


Peggy looked up, and saw John grin at his phone screen.

She was home, and things were perfect.

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