Who he tells everything to (Besides you)

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Dean; Castiel, they're close

Sam; Gabriel, they contrast but in a good way

Castiel; Dean, he's the only person Castiel truly trusts besides you

Balthazar; Kevin, he took a shining to Kevin

Gabriel; Sam, he finds Moosey comforting

Michael; Lucifer, he talks aloud to his brother often despite the whole apocalypse he still loves his brother and misses him

Lucifer; Meg, she gets him and the satire and sarcasm makes him laugh

Adam; Samandriel, they're male besties

Crowley; He prays aloud to whoever is listenin just coz he's a demon doesn't mean he can't ask for advice every now and again

Dick Roman; There's nobody else but you he trusts like that 

Kevin; Balthazar, he trusts Balthazar and looks to him for advice

Samandriel; Adam, the pair are similar 

Ezekiel; Cas, he still thinks of Cas as a leader and respects his views and opinions

John; His journal, he writes everything down and stores journals in a cupboard in your room. When he's away you read them

Benny; Dean, dean was the one with him who pulled him out of purgatory and he will always be in debt to Dean for it

Garth; He talks aloud to Bobby, he was really close to Bobby as close as Dean and Sam were and he still talks to Bobby when he gets nervous or feels uneasy

Chuck; He writes, he writes all the questions and worries he has into little poems and leaves them where he knows you'll fine them sometimes he writes little love poems amongst them to remind you why he loves you

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